ASCLA President's Program tackles 'Retirement Exodus' of librarians

Contact: Eileen Hardy
Marketing Specialist

For Immediate Release
May 2, 2006

ASCLA President's Program tackles 'Retirement Exodus' of librarians

CHICAGO-The Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies (ASCLA) will tackle the issues surrounding the impending retirement of a generation of librarians at its President's Program titled "Retirement Exodus
- Are You and Your Library Organization Ready?" on June 25, 2006, 8 a.m. to noon, to be held during the American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference in New Orleans.

The program's keynote speaker, Dr. William Rothwell, the author of "Effective Succession Planning: Ensuring Leadership Continuity and Building Talent From Within," will address the issues of succession planning and management and provide a comprehensive road map for organizations in their strategic planning efforts.
The program will begin with a thorough overview of what librarians and organizations need to know and what they can do, followed by a technical breakout session on the specific tools that will help librarians and their organizations plan for the future.

For more information on this program and other ASCLA programs, visit

ASCLA, a division of ALA, provides networking, enrichment and educational opportunities for its diverse members, who represent state library agencies, libraries serving special populations, multi-type library organizations and independent librarians.