Communities nationwide celebrate National Library Week, April 2-8


Larra Clark

ALA Media Relations


For Immediate Release

March 22, 2006

Communities nationwide celebrate National Library Week,

April 2-8

ALA to visit hurricane-ravaged libraries April 3-4

(CHICAGO) After losing his home in Mississippi, Roy Burkart was one of thousands of people who turned to America’s public libraries for help. “I use these facilities (the Bay St. Louis Public Library) at least once a week,” Burkart told Mississippi’s The Clarion-Ledger.

American Library Association (ALA) President Michael Gorman and other library leaders will begin National Library Week (April 2-8) by touring hurricane-ravaged libraries in New Orleans and Mississippi and meeting with local library staff. “National Library Week is a perfect time to focus attention on the needs of these libraries, to learn more about their reconstruction efforts and to honor their work,” Gorman said.

The ALA has helped to match over 300 libraries nationwide with libraries in the Gulf region through its “Adopt a Library” program and has raised more than $300,000 for hurricane relief.

Every day, from coast to coast, America’s libraries connect millions of people with a remarkable wealth of resources. Sixty-two percent of Americans have library cards—and are putting them to greater use online and in person. Despite the Internet and downloadable media, the number of items circulated in the nation’s public libraries has grown every year since annual figures became available in 1990.

National Library Week is the time each year that the ALA and communities nationwide celebrate and promote the contributions of our libraries and librarians. Local events reflect the range of programs and services in public, school and higher-education libraries – from a rock concert to an Edible Book Festival to open houses. A partial list of offerings can be found online at

Other events going on during National Library Week include:

National Library Workers Day (NLWD), April 4

The American Library Association-Allied Professional Association (ALA-APA), an organization that advocates for improving the salaries and status of librarians and support staff, also is sponsoring its third annual National Library Workers Day (NLWD). This national observance is a day for library staff, users, administrators and Friends groups to recognize the valuable contributions made by all library workers - including librarians, support staff and others.

Put it in Writing @ your library

Ten libraries across the country have been selected to host workshops for aspiring writers led by writers from Woman’s Day magazine during National Library Week. The workshops are part of the fourth year of “Put it in Writing @ your library,” designed to promote the wealth of opportunities that all types of libraries offer that can spark a writer’s imagination and creativity and help develop a community of writers. Since 2002, 45 libraries have hosted the workshops, which have drawn nearly 2,500 attendees.

National School Library Media Month, April

Many schools will observe School Library Media Month throughout April with open houses and other events that highlight the contributions of school libraries and librarians. Research shows that the highest achieving students attend schools with well-stocked and staffed school library media centers.

To schedule interviews with national spokespeople and learn more about library trends, how libraries are helping communities, or rebuilding efforts in Gulf Coast libraries, please contact Larra Clark, ALA Media Relations Manager at 312-280-5043, or Macey Morales, PR Coordinator at 312-280-4393.

With more than 66,000 members worldwide, the ALA is the voice of America’s libraries and the millions of people who depend on them. To learn more about National Library Week and the ALA, please visit