LITA standards coordinator named

Contact: Mary Taylor

Executive Director, LITA

For Immediate Release

April 4, 2006

LITA standards coordinator named

CHICAGO — The Library and Information Technology Association (LITA) Board of Directors is pleased to announce the appointment of Diane I. Hillmann to the new position of LITA standards coordinator.

The LITA standards coordinator's responsibilities include:

  • Track the development of information technology standards relevant to the work of LITA members
  • Establish a review process for draft or revised standards utilizing the expertise of the LITA membership
  • Anticipate the review of draft or revised standards and notify reviewers
  • Coordinate with other LITA and ALA units as appropriate
  • Participate in the activities of the LITA Standards Interest Group
  • Work with other library organizations to review need and provide input
  • Provide comment and review to ALA and/or standards organizations based upon the work of designated reviewers

Following an application process that culminated in interviews at Midwinter, the LITA Board approved Diane Hillmann, research librarian at Cornell University Library, to begin her two-year term at the conclusion of the American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference in New Orleans in June 2006.

Diane Hillmann received her MLS from the School of Information Studies at Syracuse University in 1976. Hillmann has been involved with standards during most of her professional career. Her interests have included serial and non-serial holdings and she provided formal feedback on the first draft of what later became NISO Z39.71-1999. Later, Hillmann served as the LITA representative on MARBI and added authorities to the areas where she contributed practical experience; she still follows and participates in MARC 21 development.

Since 1995, when Hillman was invited to the first Dublin Core workshop, she has continued a strong interest and involvement with the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative. Hillmann serves on the Usage Board and Advisory Board, maintains the official user guide “Using Dublin Core” and administers the AskDCMI service. Through her work with the DCMI, she is familiar with much of the technical standards work emanating from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Recently Hillman began work on an NSF-funded metadata registry project, one of the first production registries to use Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS), a standard in active development by the W3C Semantic Best Practices and Deployment Working Group. SKOS provides a machine-encoded method for bringing standard thesauri and ontologies to the Web.

Library and Information Technology Association (LITA) members are information technology professionals dedicated to educating, serving, and reaching out to the entire library and information community. LITA is a division of the American Library Association.