LAMA preconference explores the needs of the ‘Millennial Generation'

Contact: Fred Reuland

Marketing Specialist, LAMA

For Immediate Release

March 7, 2006

LAMA preconference explores the needs of the ‘Millennial Generation’

CHICAGO – The Library Administration and Management Association (LAMA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), will offer a preconference, “Millennials: If You Build It, Will They Come?,” on June 23, 2006, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., at the ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans.

During this lively program, participants will explore the unique needs of “Millennials,” those born after 1979, and the largest new adult generation since Baby Boomers. Issues presented will include what Millennials want in a new library service or building, and the ideal Millennial space and service characteristics. The program also will include a panel of Millennials as they respond to participants’ plans for innovation, as well as selected plans from other libraries.

Speakers will include: Richard Sweeney, university librarian, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Judy Luther, president, Informed Strategies; Marta Deyrup, associate professor/librarian, Seton Hall University Libraries; Larry Corbus, principal, Corbus Associates; and Aaron Cohen, consultant, Aaron Cohen Associates.

Online registration for this program and other LAMA preconferences now is open at Discounts for advance registration fees are: LAMA Member: $225; ALA Member: $270; Non-Member: $345; Student/Retired Member: $135.

Please note that advance registration ends on May 19.

For more information on LAMA preconferences please contact LAMA Marketing Specialist Fred Reuland at 1-800-545-2433 x5032, or via e-mail at

LAMA ( encourages and nurtures tomorrow’s library leaders and managers, and develops and promotes outstanding leadership and management practices.

The ALA provides leadership for the development, promotion, and improvement of library and information services and the profession of librarianship in order to enhance learning and ensure access to information for all.