ALA issues RFP for feasibility study
Contact: Mary Taylor
Executive Director, LITA
For Immediate Release
March 28, 2006
ALA issues RFP for feasibility study
CHICAGO — The American Library Association (ALA) has issued a request for proposal (RFP) for a consultant to conduct a feasibility study on a proposal to establish a “Library Corps.” The “Library Corps” is a proposal to recruit retired librarians to provide assistance to libraries that need help.
The consultant will determine the need for this service; the interest of retirees to volunteer; the needs and interest of client libraries; the interest of state library and state education agencies to participate; and recommend ways to effectively structure and administer the “Library Corps” project.
The ALA is funding the feasibility study, along with the ALA divisions and Leslie Burger, the ALA president-elect.
“As Baby Boomer librarians move into retirement, they’ll take a wealth of knowledge and experience with them,” Burger stated. “This feasibility study will explore ways that retirees can share that experience with libraries that need assistance.”
The RFP is available at
The deadline to submit the RFP is May 1, 2006. The deadline for completion of the feasibility study is August 31, 2006.