Library Advocacy Now! Training in New Orleans to focus on technology issues
Contact: Marci Merola
PR Specialist-Advocacy
For Immediate Release
June 13, 2006
Library Advocacy Now! training in New Orleans
to focus on technology issues
"Funding? The USA PATRIOT Act? Fair Use? Google?: Library Advocacy Now!," a two-hour advocacy training program offered at the 2006 American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference will focus on current technology issues. The training is scheduled for Saturday, June 24, 2006 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. in the Morial Convention Center in New Orleans.
Guest speakers at the training, include Linda Crowe, executive director, Peninsula Library System, Office for Information Technology Policy (OITP) Advisory Committee Chair, and Carrie Russell, copyright specialist, ALA Washington Office, will discuss technology issues affecting libraries around the country. Topics will include hot-button issues like Net Neutrality, Universal Service and E-Rate. Patricia H. Smith, executive director, Texas Library Association, will also discuss local issues affecting libraries.
The program will focus on ways to reframe and refine key messages, as well as techniques for dealing with tough questions. ALA Past President (1991-1992), president, Neal-Schuman Publishers, Patricia Glass Schuman and Kathleen Imhoff, executive director, Lexington (Ky.) Public Library will focus on communication strategies and message development. ALA President-Elect (2006-2007) Leslie Burger will overview her advocacy initiatives for the upcoming year.
The program is co-sponsored by the ALA Public Awareness Committee and the ALA OITP Advisory Committee.