H.W. Wilson Co. and Foundation receive LAMA's President's Award

Contact: Fred Reuland
Marketing Specialist


For Immediate Release
July 13, 2006

H.W. Wilson Co. and Foundation receive LAMA's President's Award

CHICAGO - The Library Administration and Management Association (LAMA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), has selected H.W. Wilson Company and the H.W. Wilson Foundation to receive its prestigious President's Award for 2006.
This award honors organizations that have made significant contributions to the goals of LAMA.

The financial support of the H.W. Wilson Company and Foundation for the John Cotton Dana Library Public Relations Award has guaranteed its continuous existence for 60 years.
Through this award, the Wilson Company has encouraged and nurtured libraries of all types, regardless of size or budget, to be creative and thoughtful in their public relations efforts. The John Cotton Dana award is the longest standing and one of the most prestigious awards given by the American Library Association.

The LAMA President's Award was presented by outgoing LAMA President Catherine Murray-Rust on June 25 at the ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans.

The mission of the Library Administration and Management Association (
www.ala.org/lama) is to encourage and nurture current and future library leaders and to develop and promote outstanding leadership and management practices.