LAMA fund raising scholarship winners announced

Contact: Fred Reuland
Marketing Specialist

For Immediate Release
July 18, 2006

LAMA fund raising scholarship winners announced

CHICAGO - The Fund Raising and Financial Development Section (FRFDS) of the Library Administration and Management Association (LAMA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), has selected two winners for the 2006 Diana V. Braddom Scholarship.
The winners are Kim Hale, acting director/head of collection management for the library at Columbia College Chicago, and David Hurley, director of the Diné College Libraries, Tsaile, Arizona.

The Braddom FRFDS Scholarship recognizes librarians from all types of libraries who have had no previous formal fund raising training and have a genuine need for fund raising skills.
Winners receive $1,000 to attend the ALA Annual Conference in order to learn new fund raising skills that will enable them to increase funding to their libraries from public, private and corporate sources.

In his winning application essay, David Hurley wrote: "My hope is that by attending the LAMA Fundraising and Financial Development programs at ALA Annual in New Orleans, I will be able to gain insight into the best practices of fundraising for libraries and learn how to identify and work with potential donors to enable them to support the library in a way that furthers our vision for the library."

Kim Hale wrote in her winning essay that she would use the training "to pursue library related fundraising opportunities and to build new, and strengthen existing, relationships within the College and our local community."
She added, "I see this as only the beginning."

The LAMA Diana V. Braddom FRFDS Scholarship is made possible through the personal generosity of retired library consultant and longtime LAMA member Diana Braddom.

The mission of the Library Administration and Management Association ( is to encourage and nurture current and future library leaders, and to develop and promote outstanding leadership and management practices.