RUSA announces new online Business Reference 101 course for spring 2006
Contact: Eileen Hardy
Marketing Specialist
For Immediate Release
January 9, 2006
RUSA announces new online Business Reference 101 course for spring 2006
CHICAGO—The Reference and User Services Association (RUSA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), will present “Business Reference 101,” an online course, March 13 – April 10, 2006. Celia Ross, reference & instruction librarian, at DePaul University in Chicago, will teach the four-week course.
The course is tailored for public and academic librarians and other researchers who may feel somewhat intimidated when faced with a business reference question. Librarians who do not primarily focus on this subject area or are new to it will learn about relevant resources and strategies during the course. Seasoned business researchers also would gain perspective from this course as it will contain tips and pointers that may not have been seen before or have since been forgotten.
This is the first ALA online course dealing specifically with business reference. It provides librarians with some of the ins and outs of business research and both free and fee-based resources, and lays a foundation for future strength and assurance when dealing with this topic.
The registration cost is $130 for RUSA members, $160 for ALA members, $190 for non-ALA members and $100 for students and retirees.
For more information about the course please visit