PLA announces 2006 award winners

Contact: Angela Thullen


(312) 280-5026
For Immediate Release

February 12, 2006

PLA announces 2006 award winners

CHICAGO - The Public Library Association (PLA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), has announced the winners of seven distinguished service awards.

PLA's Advancement of Literacy Award was awarded to READ San Diego, an adult literacy program based out of the San Diego Public Library. Sponsored by
Library Journal, the award is given to a publisher, bookseller, software dealer, foundation or similar group that has made a significant contribution toward the advancement of adult literacy.

Georgia Lynn Lomax, managing librarian, King County Library System, Auburn, Wash., was named to receive the
Allie Beth Martin Award,which includes a $3,000 award donated by sponsor Baker & Taylor. This award recognizes a public librarian for demonstrating a range and depth of knowledge about books and other library materials and the distinguished ability to share that knowledge.

Baker & Taylor Entertainment Audio Music/Video Product Award Grant went to the Granby Library, Granby, Conn. This grant offers the selected library $2,500 in audio music and video products for its circulating collections.

Charlie Robinson Award has been awarded to Sandra Neerman, director, Greensboro (N.C.) Public Library. This award recognizes a public library director for implementation of innovative change. Sponsored by Baker & Taylor, this award consists of $1,000 and a gift to the recipient.

The recipient of the
EBSCO Excellence in Small and/or Rural Public Library Service Awardis the Williamsfield (Ill.) Public Library District. EBSCO Subscription Services donates $1,000 to honor a public library serving a population of 10,000 or fewer that demonstrates excellence in service to its community as exemplified by an overall service program or a special program of significant accomplishment.

The Highsmith Library Innovation Award was awarded to The Curtis Memorial Library of Brunswick, Maine. Highsmith, Inc, the award's sponsor, provides a plaque and a $2,000 honorarium to recognize a public library's innovative or creative service program.

Demco New Leaders Travel Grants were awarded to Rebecca Kennedy, San Antonio (Texas) Public Library; Tara Caldara, Zion-Benton (Ill.) Public Library District; Laura J. Cleveland, Fayetteville (Ark.) Public Library; and Alexandra B. Leinaweaver and Anne Arundel (Md.) County Public Library. Through this grant, PLA provides $5,000 to support the professional development and improve the expertise of public librarians new to the field by making possible their attendance at major professional development activities.

PLA will recognize all award winners on Monday, June 24, 2006, at the PLA President's Program and Awards Reception, during the American Library Association's 2006 Annual Conference in New Orleans.

For more information, call the PLA office, 800-545-2433, ext. 5PLA, or see PLA's web site at