Registration open for the ACRL/Harvard Leadership Institute for Academic Librarians

Contact: Margot Conahan
For Immediate Release
December 19, 2006

Registration open for the ACRL/Harvard Leadership Institute for Academic Librarians

ACRL offering two scholarships for librarians at black

colleges/universities, tribal colleges/universities, and Hispanic-serving institutions

CHICAGO - Registration is now open for the ACRL/Harvard Leadership Institute for Academic Librarians. The institute will be held in Cambridge, Mass., August 5-10, 2007. Registration materials are online at, and registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Leadership of academic libraries has never been more challenging. Demands for new services frequently outstrip the resources — money, time, and people — that are available. In response to these challenges, the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) is collaborating with the Harvard Institutes for Higher Education to present the Leadership Institute for Academic Librarians. The goal of this innovative program is to increase participant’s capacity to lead and to manage. The program helps participants answer two key questions:

* How well-positioned is my organization to meet current and future challenges?

* How effective is my own leadership?

The Leadership Institute focuses on the key skills required of library leaders, including:

* Characteristics of effective leadership in academic organizations

* Transformational Learning

* Planning

* Organizational Strategy and Change

Institute faculty will use various teaching techniques, including: presentations, discussion, videos, exercises, and case studies. Harvard’s case studies make attendees active participants in the teaching-learning process. Through lively discussion throughout the institute, participants will be challenged to define management problems and identify and offer solutions.

The Institute is designed for individuals with significant administrative responsibility in an institution of higher education, and who show high promise for making a significant contribution in the future, such as library directors, university librarians, and their associates and direct reports. Participants will benefit most from the program if they:

* Hold a significant library leadership position

* Value the opportunity to step back from the pressures of day-to-day responsibilities and reflect on where you and your organization are going

* Enjoy being a learner again — in a lively, interactive format that takes advantage of the experience of other experienced administrators

* Value new perspectives on effective leadership in academic institutions

Registration materials and complete details about the institute are available on the Web at Registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Library leaders in HBCU institutions, tribal colleges and universities, and/or Hispanic serving institutions take note!

Two scholarships are available for the 2007 ACRL/Harvard Leadership Institute. The purpose of these scholarships is to support the participation of academic and research librarians working at historically black colleges and universities, tribal colleges or universities or those employed at Hispanic-serving institutions. The scholarship covers the cost of tuition to the Institute (value $1,975).

Scholarship applicants must:

* Be current ACRL members;

* Be employed at an historically black college or university, at a tribal college or university or at a Hispanic-serving institution;

* Complete the online scholarship application form;

* Submit a brief, written statement that describes how participation in the Institute will contribute to his or her leadership development, or define three ways in which the Institute will help improve her or his leadership effectiveness, and;

* Demonstrate that they have support from their institution to attend the Institute by submitting a brief statement of support from an appropriate supervisor/manager/director at the institution.

Complete the application form available at: (please copy and paste this URL into a browser).

Questions can be directed to; 800-545-2433, ext. 2522.

ACRL is a division of the American Library Association (ALA), representing more than 13,000 academic and research librarians and interested individuals. ACRL is the only individual membership organization in North America that develops programs, products and services to meet the unique needs of academic and research librarians. Its initiatives enable the higher education community to understand the role that academic libraries play in the teaching, learning and research environments.