RUSA revises Guidelines on Electronic Information Resources
Contact: Cathleen Bourdon
RUSA/ASCLA Executive Director
800-545-2433 x 4395
For Immediate Release
August 15, 2006
RUSA revises Guidelines on Electronic Information Resources
CHICAGO - The Reference and User Services Association (RUSA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), has approved a revision of the 1997 Guidelines for the Introduction of Electronic Information Resources to Users. The RUSA Management of Electronic Resources and Services Committee updated the guidelines to incorporate changes in the field.
"These guidelines will assist librarians who provide and publicize new electronic information resources to users and potential users," said Diana Shonrock, RUSA president. "The guidelines offer practical advice that can be applied in all types of libraries."
The guidelines cover planning and policy setting, testing, compatibility and remote access, staff education, user instruction, publicity, and assessment and evaluation. The full text of the guidelines is available on the RUSA website at The guidelines also will be printed in an upcoming issue of
Reference and User Services Quarterly.
RUSA is the ALA division devoted to supporting the delivery of reference/information services to all groups and of general library services to adults.
Its 5,000 members represent all types of libraries.