LAMA announces new online format for journal

Contact: Fred Reuland
Marketing Specialist

For Immediate Release
August 29, 2006

LAMA announces new online format for journal

CHICAGO - The Library Administration and Management Association (LAMA) will begin online publication of its quarterly journal
Library Administration and Management (LA&M) beginning in December 2006.

The LAMA leadership enthusiastically endorsed this change, recognizing the added functionality of an electronic
LA&M, and the cost savings that will allow LAMA to fund its 2006-2010 strategic initiatives more effectively. These initiatives are aimed at increasing the value of LAMA membership through new and expanded programs and services.

"Electronic journals are increasingly preferred by users because they offer features that are not found in paper journals," said 2005-2006 LAMA President Catherine Murray-Rust. Planned
LA&M enhancements include more flexible publishing schedules, Web-based reader feedback options such as blogs, the use of color images and supplemental materials such as charts and graphs, podcasts, and vastly reduced storage requirements.

"We are anxious to begin this new publishing format so that our members receive management information in more creative and timely ways," Murray-Rust added.

The conversion to a full-featured Web publication will be phased in beginning with volume 21, in Winter 2006-2007, and will be completed by 2009. The first phase includes making back issues of
LA&M available on the Web as PDF files.
Paid subscribers will continue to receive printed copies.

The mission of the Library Administration and Management Association ( is to encourage and nurture current and future library leaders, and to develop and promote outstanding leadership and management practices. LAMA is a division of the American Library Association.