ALA divisions, round table support presidential Emerging Leaders initiative

Larra Clark
ALA Media Relations
For Immediate Release
August 22, 2006

ALA divisions, round table support

presidential Emerging Leaders initiative

(CHICAGO) Ten American Library Association (ALA) divisions and one round table have announced they will sponsor division members' participation in the new Emerging Leaders 2007 (EL '07) program.
The program was initiated by ALA President Leslie Burger and is intended to welcome and train 100 new librarians to get a jump-start in leadership.

EL '07 kicks off with a daylong session during the 2007 ALA Midwinter Meeting in Seattle. Afterward, it will grow and develop online for six months, culminating at the 2007 Annual Conference in Washington, D. C. Applicants must commit to participating in all three elements, as well as plan to serve to serve on an ALA, Division, Chapter, or Round Table committee, taskforce or workgroup upon completion of program.

Divisions that have announced they will provide a $1,000 stipend for approved members to attend the sessions in Seattle and Washington, D.C., are:

  • American Association of School Librarians (AASL) - two members
  • Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) - one member
  • Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS) - two members
  • Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) - one member
  • Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies (ASCLA) - one member
  • Library Administration and Management (LAMA) - one member
  • Library Information and Technology Association (LITA) - one member
  • Public Library Association (PLA) - one member
  • Reference and Users Services Association (RUSA) - two members
  • Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) - two members

The International Relations Round Table (IRRT) also will sponsor one member into the program. While an ALA sponsor isn't required to apply for the program, it does give preference for consideration.

"I am thrilled ALA divisions and roundtables are supporting participation from their members," Burger said. "I hope this will encourage more people to apply and join this effort. We must act now to attract and retain the next generation of librarians, provide them with opportunities for meaningful participation in ALA, and plan strategically to incorporate the needs of these future leaders of our profession. The power to transform our libraries rests with all of us."

Participants will receive two days of training with Maureen Sullivan, organization consultant, and Connie Paul, executive director of the Central Jersey Regional Library Cooperative; participation in a problem-solving workgroup; networking with 100 peers; an inside look into ALA structure and an opportunity to serve your profession in a leadership capacity.

Applicants must be an ALA member; under 35 years of age OR new librarians of any age with fewer than five years post-MLS experience; be a recent MLS graduate from an ALA or NCATE-accredited program or currently in an accredited MLS program; able to attend both ALA conferences and work virtually in between the two sessions; and be ready to commit to serve on an ALA, Division, Chapter, or Round Table committee, taskforce or workgroup upon completion of program.
The application is available online at:

While the deadline to apply for the program is September 30, most division and round table deadlines are about two weeks earlier. Please consult your division or round table's Web pages for more information on sponsorships.

For more information please go online to or email