Nominations sought for 2006 ALCTS awards
Contact: Charles Wilt
Executive Director, ALCTS
For Immediate Release
September 6, 2005
Nominations sought for 2006 ALCTS awards
CHICAGO - Nominations are being accepted for the 2006 Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) awards. Each year ALCTS presents eight awards to honor individuals whose work represents the finest achievements in research, creative work, leadership and service in the field of library collections and technical services. If you are interested in nominating a candidate for any of the awards, contact the chair of that award committee.
The deadline for nominations and supporting materials is December 1, 2005.
Bowker/Ulrich's Serials Librarianship Award: Presented by the ALCTS Serials Section, the award consists of a citation and $1,500 donated by R. R. Bowker. The awards are given for distinguished contributions to serials librarianship, including such activities as leadership in serials-related activities through participation in professional associations and/or library education programs; contributions to the body of serials literature; conduct of research in the area of serials; development of tools or methods to enhance access to or management of serials; and other advances leading to a better understanding of the field of serials.
Send nominations to: Marilyn Geller, chair, Bowker Jury, -
First Step Award: The ALCTS Serials Section presents the award, a Wiley Professional Development Grant. The award provides librarians who are new to the serials field with the opportunity to broaden their perspectives and encourages professional development and participation at American Library Association (ALA) conferences and Serials Section activities. All ALA members with five or less years' professional experience in the serials field, who have not previously attended an ALA Annual Conference, are eligible. The award consists of $1,500, donated by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., and is applicable toward round trip transportation, lodging, registration fees, etc. Eligible applicants may apply more than once. Winners will be chosen based on: commitment to professional development in the serials field as evidenced by participation in continuing education activities, workshops and previous participation in professional activities; candidate's written justification for the grant in terms of commitment to and interest in serials related work; personal professional development; financial need; two letters of reference; and a vita.
Send nominations to: Christa Easton, chair, First Step Jury, -
Margaret Mann Citation: This award is presented to a cataloger or classifier for outstanding professional achievement in the areas of cataloging or classification through publication, participation in professional cataloging associations, or valuable contributions to practice in individual libraries. The Cataloging and Classification Section administers the award, a citation and $2,000 to the library school of the winner's choice, which is donated by OCLC, Inc. The Mann Citation committee bases its selection on nominations made by members of the profession or friends of the profession. Anyone with a worthy candidate is urged to nominate that person. Achievements to be considered include: notable publications, such as an article, pamphlet, or book; outstanding contribution to the activities of professional cataloging associations; outstanding contribution to the technical improvement of cataloging and classification and/or the introduction of a new technique of recognized importance; and outstanding contribution in the area of teaching cataloging and classification.
Send nominations to: Verna Urbanski, chair, Mann Citation Jury, -
Leadership in Library Acquisitions Award: Presented by the ALCTS Acquisitions Section for contributions by and outstanding leadership of an individual to the field of acquisitions librarianship, the award consists of $1,500 and a citation donated by Harrassowitz. Winners will be chosen based on: demonstrated leadership which has contributed significantly to improvements in acquisitions and achievement in the field of acquisitions through contributions to professional associations, literature, the education of acquisitions professionals and the advancement of the profession.
Send nominations to: David Goldsmith, chair, Leadership Jury, -
Esther J. Piercy Award: The award, a $1,500 grant and citation donated by YBP, Inc., recognizes contributions to library collections and technical services by a librarian with no more than 10 years of professional experience who has shown outstanding promise for continuing contribution and leadership. Winners will be chosen based on accomplishments related to technical services and resources, in such areas as: leadership in professional associations at local, state, regional or national level; contributions to the development, application or utilization of new or improved methods, techniques and routines; significant contribution to professional literature; and conduct of studies or research in the technical services.
Send nominations including, a statement giving the reasons for nomination and the date your nominee entered his or her first professional position, with a resume or narrative career outline to: Larry Heiman, chair, Piercy Jury, -
Paul Banks and Carolyn Harris Preservation Award: The award was established to honor the memory of Paul Banks and Carolyn Harris, early leaders in library preservation. The award, $1,500 and a citation, sponsored by Preservation Technologies, L.P., is given to a professional preservation specialist who has been active in the field of preservation and/or conservation for library and/or archival materials. Winners will be chosen based on: leadership in professional associations at local, state, regional or national levels; contributions to the development, application or utilization of new or improved methods, techniques and routines; significant contribution to professional literature; evidence of studies or research in preservation; and training and mentoring in the field of preservation.
Send nominations, along with a formal statement of nomination, a brief rationale for the nomination and a resume or narrative career outline to: Patricia Selinger, chair, Banks/Harris Jury, -
Blackwell's Scholarship Award: The award honors an author or a group of authors who have written an outstanding monograph, article or original paper in the field of acquisitions, collection development or related areas of resources development in libraries. Blackwell's will donate a $2,000 scholarship to the United States or Canadian library school of the winning author's choice. The scholarship will be given to a student concentrating in the acquisitions or collection development areas. Publications from 2005 are eligible. Reprints of earlier publications will not be accepted. The evaluation criteria include: intellectual content; practical value; theoretical value; scholarship; presentation; and style.
Send nominations, along with a statement giving the full bibliographic citation of the article, book or paper being nominated and reasons for the nomination to: Deborah Thomas, chair, Blackwell Jury, -
Best of LRTS Award: The award is given to the author(s) of the best paper published in
Library Resources & Technical Services (
LRTS), the official journal of ALCTS. Papers published in volume 49 (2005) are eligible for consideration, with the exception of official reports and documents, obituaries, letters to the editor and biographies of award winners. Each paper will be judged on the following points: content with a significant contribution about one or more issues addressed by ALCTS and its sections; statements in the paper are adequately supported by accurate data and/or documentation; and clear and readable writing style.
Send nominations, along with the title of the paper being nominated and the reasons for the nomination to: Lori Osmus, chair, Best of
LRTS Jury,
For additional information on the ALCTS awards, visit the ALCTS Web site at ALCTS is a division of the American Library Association (ALA).