LAMA/YBP seeks submissions for Student Writing and Development Award

Contact: Lorraine Olley


(312) 280-5036
For Immediate Release

October 10, 2005

LAMA/YBP seeks submissions for Student Writing and Development Award

CHICAGO - Students enrolled in ALA-accredited library and information studies programs are invited to submit articles in the Student Writing and Development Award competition sponsored by the Library Administration and Management Association (LAMA) and YBP Library Services, Inc. The deadline for entries is March 1, 2006.

The LAMA/YBP Student Writing and Development Award is given to honor the best article submitted on a topic in the area of library administration and management. The topic for the 2006 competition is “Leadership Excellence for Transition: Lessons for Tomorrow's Librarians.”

Entrants should discuss the challenges facing libraries and new librarians, focusing on one or more of the following themes, and suggest strategies to address these challenges:

  • Library and institutional transitions: how they impact organizations and individuals;

  • Professional transitions, including: changing demographics of the library profession and the communities libraries serve, diversity concerns, the effectiveness of library school education programs, the blurring of librarian and support staff roles; and

  • Personal transitions: how to prepare for the future; entering librarianship from another profession; early career and professional development issues.

Selection criteria include relevance to the theme, applicability to a variety of library settings, originality of ideas, persuasiveness of arguments, quality of writing, clarity of presentation and contribution to the continuing education of the LAMA membership. The award recipient must be a current student member of ALA and LAMA. LAMA will notify the selected applicant by May 1, 2006.

The winning article will be published in the fall 2006 issue of
Library Administration & Management magazine . The award recipient also will receive a travel grant of up to $1,000, provided by YBP Library Services, Inc., to support attendance at the 2006 ALA Annual Conference.

For more information, article guidelines, criteria, and an application, go to the LAMA Web site at, click on the “Awards” navigation item and then select LAMA/YBP Award, or contact LAMA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; 1-800-545-2433 x5036; e-mail:

LAMA, a division of ALA, promotes outstanding leadership and management practices and identifies, encourages, and nurtures tomorrow's leaders and managers.