Actress Q'orianka Kilcher speaks out for Teen Read Week, October 16-22

Contact: Nichole Gilbert

YALSA Program Officer

For Immediate Release

October 3, 2005

Actress Q'orianka Kilcher speaks out for Teen Read Week, October 16-22

CHICAGO - Q'orianka Kilcher, who co-stars as Pocohontas in New Line Cinema's forthcoming epic “The New World,” has taken on a new role as spokesperson for Teen Read Week, October 16 to 22. Sponsored by the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), Teen Read Week is a national literacy initiative to encourage teens to take time to ‘read for the fun of it.' This year's theme is “Get Real! @ your library

Throughout the week, library events nationwide will encourage teens to explore the world of nonfiction books, such as biographies, self-help books, strange-but-true stories, and more. Teens also can vote for their favorite books during Teen Read Week by logging online and checking out recommendations from the Teens Top Ten:

Since its inception in 1998, Teen Read Week has focused on the importance of teen recreational reading. Teen Read Week's objectives are to give teens an opportunity to read for the fun of it, allow teens to select their own reading materials, and to help teens get in the habit of reading regularly and often.

“I stay pretty busy, but I always make time for reading. A good book really can take you to a whole other world. I love that,” Kilcher said. “My favorite books are “The Legacy of Luna: The Story of a Tree, a Woman, and the Struggle to Save the Redwoods” by Julia Butterfly Hill; “A Child Called It” by Dave Pelzer; and “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho.

Fifteen-year-old Kilcher, who is of Quechua/Huachipaeri Indian and Alaskan/Swiss Heritage, was born in Schweigmatt, Germany. With a large extended family in Peru, Kilcher is deeply proud of her Indian heritage and seeks to bring global awareness to the plight of Native cultures and people around the world through her work. In addition to singing and dancing, Kilcher also has studied acting, the Brazilian martial arts dance form Capoeira, horseback riding, acrobatics and sailing. When she was nine years old, Kilcher and her family relocated to Los Angeles, where she was soon cast in her first film role as a choir member in Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas, directed by Ron Howard. In her free time she enjoys writing music and is currently recording a collection of original songs.

“We're thrilled Q'orianka and New Line Cinema are supporting teen reading with the Young Adult Library Services Association this year,” said YALSA President Pam Spencer Holley. “Teens can get so busy they forget that there's more to reading than just schoolbooks. Teen Read Week aims to remind teens that reading is fun, it can be done anywhere, and with a library card, it's free.”

Q'orianka Kilcher has emerged into the front ranks of young actors with her portrayal of Pocahontas opposite Colin Farrell as Captain John Smith in Terrence Malick's The New World, an epic film about the dramatic encounter between English and Native American cultures in 1607. The New World, which also stars Christian Bale, Christopher Plummer, August Schellenberg, Wes Studi and a host of other international performers, is scheduled for release by New Line Cinema in New York and Los Angeles on December 25 th .

Founded almost 40 years ago, New Line Cinema is the most successful independent film company in the world. Its mission is to produce innovative, popular and profitable entertainment in the best creative environment. In addition to the production, marketing and distribution of theatrical motion pictures, the fully-integrated studio has divisions devoted to home entertainment, television, music, theater, merchandising and an international unit. In 2005, New Line partnered with HBO to form Picturehouse, a new theatrical distribution company to release independent films. A pioneer in franchise filmmaking, New Line's Oscar-winning The Lord of the Rings trilogy is one of the most successful film franchises in history. New Line is a division of Time Warner, Inc.

YALSA is the fastest growing division of the American Library Association. For nearly fifty years YALSA has been the world leader in selecting, evaluating and recommending books, videos and audiobooks for teens. For more information about YALSA and recommended reading, viewing and listening for teens go to To learn more about Teen Read Week, please visit the Web at To schedule interviews, please contact Larra Clark, ALA Media Relations Manager, at 312-280-5043.