The American Library Association-Allied Professional Association needs an extreme makeover – for its name!

Contact:Jenifer Grady

Director, ALA-APA

For Immediate Release

October 3, 2005

The American Library Association-Allied Professional Association needs an extreme makeover – for its name!

CHICAGO – The American Library Association -Allied Professional Association (ALA-APA) is in search of a new name. The American Library Association established the ALA-APA in 2002 to advocate for the status and to better the salaries for library workers, and to offer certifications for library staff in specialized fields. With all the challenges ALA-APA faces in improving the status and educational qualifications of library workers, the association is in need of a name that reflects its mission.

“Awareness of the organization and its purposes is steadily increasing, but the ALA-APA is a still a long way from becoming a household name,” said ALA Executive Director Keith Michael Fiels. “At this point, we need to increase its visibility and create greater awareness of its important work among ALA members and the library community. One way to increase this awareness is through a name more expressive of the organization's purposes.”

ALA members and others interested in the status of library workers are invited to suggest a more appropriate name for ALA-APA that captures its two purposes:

  • Certification of individuals in library specializations
  • Advocacy and direct support of comparable worth, pay equity initiatives, and other activities designed to improve the salaries and status of librarians and other library workers.

Send all entries via e-mail to Jenifer Grady at, or fax to 312-944-6131. All entries must be submitted by Friday, October 28, 2005. Telephoned entries cannot be accepted.