RUSA announces online Reference Interview course

Contact: Eileen Hardy

Marketing Specialist

For Immediate Release

November 7, 2005

RUSA announces online Reference Interview course for spring 2006

CHICAGO—The Reference and User Services Association (RUSA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), is offering, "The Reference Interview," an online course. David Tyckoson, director of Public Services at California State University, Fresno, will teach the four-week course to be held February 6, 2006, to March 6, 2006.

The course will instruct support staff, library technicians, and newly hired reference librarians on the methods of evaluating reference service, behavioral aspects of reference service, and the different types of questions you can use to help patrons identify what they need. Using images and video, the course covers everything from the approachability of the librarian to how to follow up with a patron. Scheduled chat sessions will model interviewing techniques using sample dialogues.

The registration cost is $130 for RUSA members, $160 for ALA members, $190 for non-ALA members and $100 for students and retirees.

For more information about the course please visit