PLA to hold three preconferences at upcoming annual conference
From: Kathleen Hughes
Manager, Communications, PLA
For Immediate Release
May 6, 2005
PLA to hold three preconferences at upcoming annual conference
CHICAGO - The Public Library Association (PLA) will hold three preconferences in conjunction with the 2005 American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference in Chicago this summer. All PLA preconferences require advance registration by May 20.
"Every Child Ready to Read @ your library Training” (Friday, June 24, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.) will demonstrate how to use Every Child Ready to Read @ your library early literacy research, information, and materials to present three workshops for parents and caregivers, in order to help them support their children's early literacy development. The Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) cosponsors this preconference. ALSC members will receive the PLA member registration rate.
"Creating a Library Sales Force - It's Easier Than You Think” (Friday, June 24, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.) will take The Smartest Card. Get. Use It. @ your library campaign to its most important audience: staff, trustees, and Friends. Participants will learn how to be informed and persuasive advocates for their library's services and will be given the tools to create their own Library Sales Force. Attendees are encouraged to come as a team composed of management and frontline staff, trustees and Friends. Teams can be from a state, region, or individual system.
“Technology Solutions/Solving Library Problems” (Friday, June 24, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.) will focus on the increasing array of service problems and technologies that librarians face. Topics include: collection management and security; communicating with library constituents/patrons; and technology and the corporate culture.
Advance registration fees are $125 for PLA personal members, $180 for ALA personal members, and $235 for nonmembers. Visit to get more information, including speakers' lists, locations, and to register online.
In addition to preconference programming, PLA has planned over 20 programs and special events to be held at this year's conference including our President's Program and Awards Presentation (featuring keynote speaker David Sedaris) which will be held on Monday, June 27, from 5 - 6:30 p.m. More information about any of these events or about PLA is available at .
The Public Library Association, a division of the American Library Association, enhances the development and effectiveness of public library staff and public library services.