Mark Winston named recipient of 2nd annual Achievement in Library Diversity Research honor

Contact: Wendy Prellwitz, Program Officer

For Immediate Release

May 25, 2005

Mark Winston named recipient of 2nd annual Achievement in Library Diversity Research honor

CHICAGO - The American Library Association (ALA) Office for Diversity is pleased to announce that Mark Winston is the recipient of the Achievement in Library Diversity Research honor. The Office for Diversity began designating this honor in 2004 as part of its ongoing support for the dissemination of library-based diversity research.

As an associate professor at the School of Communication, Information and Library Studies of Rutgers University, Winston has published an enormous body of work dedicated to leadership, management, diversity in LIS education, and building the business argument for diversity.

Winston will receive the honor and make opening remarks during the “Charting Courses: Excellence in Diversity Research” panel program, Saturday, June 25, 2005, 4 - 5:30 p.m., at the Palmer House Hilton, Salon V/VI during the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago. Recipients of the 2004 Diversity Research Grant will join him and present highlights of their research. Recipients are Jane Karp, library elderly outreach, St. John's County Public Library; Elizabeth L. Marcoux, assistant professor, University of Washington SI; and Kyung-Sum Kim, assistant professor, University of Wisconsin Madison SLIS.

The Office of Diversity sponsors the Diversity Research Grants to address critical gaps in the knowledge of diversity issues within library and information science. Recipients of the Achievement in Library Diversity Research Honor receive complimentary Annual Conference registration.

Winston has taught and served as the assistant university librarian for Valdosta State University Library in Valdosta, Ga. At the University of Arizona, he held positions as the business and undergraduate services librarian and as the coordinator of library instruction. In 1997, he operated as the visiting program officer for the Association of Research Libraries as a consultant. Since that time, Winston has continued to work as a management consultant and trainer focusing on management, leadership and diversity.

He has been the recipient of 15 grants since 1999 alone, including substantial grants from the Institute for Museum and Library Services and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Winston has been inducted into the Beta Phi Mu Honor Society and is a member of the American Library Association, the Association of College and Research Libraries and the Library Administration and Management Association. He also has been actively involved in campus committees, mentoring and project consultant activities at each institution with which he has been affiliated.

The ALA Office for Diversity serves as a key resource and link to the professional issues that speak to diversity as a fundamental value and action area of the association.