Johnson County Library named recipient of 2005 ASCLA/KLAS/NOD Award

Contact: Eileen Hardy

Marketing Specialist

For Immediate Release:

March 17, 2005

Johnson County Library named recipient of 2005 ASCLA/KLAS/NOD Award

CHICAGO —Johnson County Library, Shawnee Mission (Kan.), is the 2005 recipient of the Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies (ASCLA) ASCLA/KLAS/NOD Award for its “Literature for the Learning Disabled Adult” program.

Donated by Keystone Systems, Inc., the $1,000 award and certificate is given to a library organization that has provided services for people with disabilities. The award is presented by ASCLA, a division of the American Library Association (ALA).

“The ‘Literature for the Learning Disabled Adult’ program of the Johnson County Library represents a model demonstration of a collaborative effort to provide meaningful participation in literary and educational program,” stated Barratt Wilkins, ASCLA award committee chair. “Working with the local community college, a non-profit agency serving seniors, and the county’s developmental supports unit, the coordinator, C.J. Sullivan, provides reminiscing programs, poetry classes, and current events programming to adults with learning disabilities and it is to be commended.”

The award will be presented June 26, 2005, from 8:30 to 10 a.m., at the ASCLA President’s Program and Award Ceremony, “Advocacy Is Not Enough – Using Evidence-Based Outcome Measures to Demonstrate Library Impact,” during the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago.