LITA presents “Developing a Culture of Assessment” in Chicago

Contact: Rob Carlson

For Immediate Release

March 10, 2005

LITA to present “Developing a Culture of Assessment” preconference

CHICAGO – The Library and Information Technology Association (LITA) will host the preconference “Developing a Culture of Assessment in Library Information Technology Services” on Friday, June 24, 2005, from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. during the American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference in Chicago.

Just as libraries must demonstrate the impact of their services and outcomes on their parent institution or community, information technology services within the library must be able to do the same. A critical component in making this happen is to adopt a model of continuous services assessment that uses user-centered decision-making in order to gather relevant requirements data and information. In 2002, the Information Technology Division of the Northwestern University Library began adopting a continuous assessment model for decision-making and service provisioning. This preconference will explain what caused Northwestern to adopt a culture of assessment, what a culture of assessment is, how goals and work changed, how this has led to the adoption of a new method of thinking and supporting services within the library, and what attendees can do to get started with this methodology.

H. Frank Cervone, Northwestern University, is the presenter.

Registration fees are $150.00 for LITA members, students and retirees; $210 for ALA members; and $260.00 for non-members.

To register, please visit You may also add this preconference to your existing conference registration by calling ALA member and customer service at 1-800-545-2433. Press option #5 and ask to add event #LI3.

LITA is a division of the American Library Association.