ALCTS announces 2005 award recipients

Contact: Charles Wilt
Executive Director, ALCTS

For Immediate Release
March 10, 2005

ALCTS announces 2005 award recipients

CHICAGO-The Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) is pleased to announce the following 2005 award recipients. The awards will be presented on Sunday, June 26, 2005, at the ALCTS Awards Ceremony and Membership Meeting during the 2005 American Library Association (ALA) meeting in Chicago.

Antelman article wins Best of
LRTS Award

Kristen Antelman, associate director for information technology at North Carolina State University, has won the 2005 Best of LRTS Award for her article, "Identifying the Serial Work as a Bibliographic Entity." Antelman's article was published in
Library Resources & Technical Services (
LRTS), volume 48, number 4, October 2004, pages 238-255.

Antelman has made an original, timely and important contribution to the body of knowledge on bibliographic control and identification of serials. With few publications on FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records) applications to serials, this article makes a new contribution by demonstrating how application of FRBR principles can solve a problem of increasing urgency in the age of electronic journals and aggregators: how to uniquely identify the serial "work" and its relationships to other serial entities.

She focuses on the needs and behavior of the networked user in arguing for a reconsideration of how serials are identified, expertly building on the cataloging principles and theories of the past and the current capabilities of the networked environment to make a cohesive case for a changed approach to our bibliographic control of serials.

Antelman received her bachelor's degree from the University of Michigan, a master's degree in political science from Columbia University, and a master's in library science from the University of Chicago.

The Best of
LRTS Award is given to the author(s) of the best paper published each year in
LRTS, the official journal of ALCTS. The author receives $250 and a citation in recognition of her work.

Banks/Harris Preservation Award to Paul Conway

Paul Conway, director of Information Technology Services, Duke University Libraries, Durham, NC, has been named the recipient of the 2005 Paul Banks & Carolyn Harris Preservation Award. The award, consisting of $1,500 and a citation, sponsored by Preservation Technologies, L.P., recognizes the contribution of a professional preservation specialist who has been active in the field of preservation and/or conservation of library and /or archival materials.

Conway's professional career includes: archivist, Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library; preservation program officer for the Society of American Archivists; research and evaluation staff for the National Archives and Records Administration; and a doctoral student at the University of Michigan. He completed his Ph.D. in 1991 with a dissertation titled "Archival Preservation in the United States and the Role of Information Sources." As head of the Preservation Department at Yale University, he applied his analytical skills to a broad range of library preservation challenges.

His Project Open Book, a research and development program on the feasibility of converting microfilm to digital images, reflects Conway's intense interest in the relationship between preservation and digitization, an area in which he is most widely known for his writing, public speaking and teaching. His 1996 report for the Commission on Preservation and Access, "Preservation in the Digital World," presented a cogent, thoughtful and accessible analysis of daunting new challenges in preservation.

Conway articulates the nature of preservation for digital content and exploration of the application of digital tools in preservation through numerous publications, professional service and public speaking. He has served as an instructor for the Northeast Document Conservation Center's School for Scanning programs and for graduate courses at many institutions. In his work as a leader, administrator and teacher, he is known for his creativity, intellectual curiosity, analytical ability and unflinching desire to ask and tackle the toughest questions.

The Paul Banks and Carolyn Harris Preservation Award honors the memories of Paul Banks and Carolyn Harris, early leaders in library preservation, teachers and mentors for many in the field of preservation.

Blackwell's Scholarship Award honors Peggy Johnson

The Blackwell's Scholarship Award for 2005 goes to Peggy Johnson for her monograph, "Fundamentals of Collection Development & Management," published in 2004 by the American Library Association. The Blackwell's Scholarship Award honors the author of the year's outstanding monograph or article in the field of acquisitions, collection development and related areas of resources development in libraries.

Johnson has written a superb monograph that brings together both the theoretical and practical aspects of collection development and management. She takes the reader through the basics of building a collection through cooperative collection development into collection analysis. The book will shape collection development education in the years to come.

Peggy Johnson is the associate university librarian for access services at the University of Minnesota Libraries. She holds a bachelor's degree from St. Olaf College, a master's degree from the University of Chicago Graduate Library School, and a master's degree in administration and management from Metropolitan State University.

Blackwell's donates a $2,000 scholarship to the U.S. or Canadian library school of the winning author's choice. The scholarship will be given to a student concentrating in the acquisitions or collection development areas. Peggy Johnson has selected the Library School program at the College of St Catherine in St Paul, Minn.

Tonkery receives Bowker/Ulrich's Serials Librarianship Award

Dan Tonkery, vice-president of business development, EBSCO Information Services, is the winner of the 2005 Bowker/Ulrich's Serials Librarianship Award for his many contributions to the field of serials librarianship and for his multi-faceted influence on the serials profession.

Tonkery has one of the most versatile careers in serials librarianship, beginning in 1970 as serials cataloger for the National Library of Medicine, later founding and building the LC's National Serials Data Program and CONSER Program, and then serving at UCLA. Moving to the vendor side of serials, he became a senior vice-president for the Faxon Company, president and founder, Horizon Information Services, president and CEO, Readmore, Inc., partner and owner TDT Ventures and then president of Faxon before moving to his present position for the EBSCO Company.

Tonkery has given numerous well-received presentations at various library conferences, symposiums, workshops and other professional library meetings. Tonkery also has written extensively in numerous library and other scientific publications and has served for many years as member of the editorial board for Serials Review. Tonkery's work in professional associations has been impressive, particularly ALA and North American Serials Interest Group.

Tonkery received a bachelor's degree in biology from David Lipscomb University, Nashville and a master's degree in library science from the University of Illinois.

This award for distinguished contributions to serials consists of a citation and $1,500 donated by R.R. Bowker.

First Step Award to Jennifer Arnold

Jennifer Arnold, serials and electronic resources librarian, Central Piedmont Community College (CPCC), is the recipient of the 2005 First Step-Wiley Professional Development Grant.

Arnold's demonstrated commitment to continuing professional development is evident through her eagerness to participate in ALA at the national level. Her participation on the local and state level and a desire to learn more about the profession at the regional level has resulted in several professional presentations and a forthcoming article in the spring 2005 issue of Community and Junior College Libraries Journal. Arnold's abilities to resolve complex bibliographic problems inspired her to take on the task of serials management at her institution. She established the CPCC serials module using best practices for the community college environment, which resulted in policies and procedures that founded the philosophy of serials management at the CPCC Library.

Arnold received a bachelor's degree in English and Women's Studies and her master's degree in library and information science from the University of South Florida, Tampa.

John Wiley & Sons sponsors this $1,500 grant which offers librarians new to the serials field an opportunity to broaden their perspective by attending an ALA Annual Conference and by encouraging professional growth through participation in ALCTS Serials Section activities.

McGarry awarded Margaret Mann Citation

Dorothy McGarry, retired head of the cataloging division of the UCLA Physical Sciences and Technology Libraries, is the recipient of the 2005 Margaret Mann Citation presented by the Cataloging and Classification Section (CCS) of ALCTS.

The award is a citation and a $2,000 scholarship donated in the recipient's honor by OCLC, Inc., to the library school of the winner's choice. It recognizes outstanding professional achievement in cataloging or classification either through publication of significant professional literature, participation in professional cataloging associations, demonstrated excellence in teaching cataloging or valuable contributions to the technical improvement of cataloging and classification and/or the introduction of a new technique of recognized importance.

Dorothy McGarry is recognized for her many contributions to the practice of cataloging; in particular, her prolific involvement in professional association work at regional, national and international levels. Her association work encompasses a number of ALA divisions and activities, distinguished service in the Special Libraries Association advocating for cataloging issues and intense involvement at the international level over the past 15 years, including the chair of the IFLA Section on Classification and Indexing.

Throughout her career, McGarry has made significant contributions to cataloging, mentoring and training of catalogers and the improvement and adoption of standards. As co-editor of Seymour Lubetzky: Writings on the Classical Art of Cataloging, she extends her outreach to new generations of librarians. As a consultant, McGarry has assisted librarians in many countries in implementing international cataloging standards and practices. She has helped both individuals and the profession by recruiting and encouraging librarians to serve on committees, task forces and working groups of many professional organizations.

Dorothy McGarry holds a master's degree in library science from the University of California, Los Angeles, which she has designated for the scholarship award.

Leadership in Library Acquisitions Award presented to Scott Wicks

The Acquisitions Section of ALCTS is pleased to announce that Scott Wicks has been selected to receive the 2005 Leadership in Library Acquisitions Award. The Leadership in Library Acquisitions Award, sponsored annually by Harrassowitz, is given to a librarian to recognize contributions and outstanding leadership in the field of acquisitions and includes a $1,500 gift.

Scott Wicks, head of acquisitions, bibliographic control and government documents at Cornell University Library, represents a new generation of acquisitions librarians who are constantly seeking new solutions to old problems. His knowledge of and experience with the delicate relationship between acquisitions, cataloging and collection development, as well as his vision and determination led him to develop ITSO CUL, an innovative system that supports one-stop selection, ordering and processing of library materials.

Wicks has a bachelor's degree from State University College at Geneseo (NY) and a master's degree in library science from the State University of New York at Buffalo.

Reese wins Esther J. Piercy Award

Terry Paul Reese, digital unit production head, cataloger for networked resources at Oregon State University, is the 2005 recipient of the Esther J. Piercy Award for his contributions in creating and developing the MarcEdit program. MarcEdit is an indispensable tool for the manipulation of MARC records, which is used by libraries, vendors, and utilities around the globe. One of his nominees stated it well: "Few, if any, make such a profound impact on technical services so early in their careers."

Reese will receive a $1,500 grant donated by YBP, Inc. and a citation. This award is given to recognize the contribution to those areas of librarianship included in library collections and technical services by a librarian with not more than 10 years of professional experience who has shown outstanding promise for continuing contribution and leadership.

The Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS), a division of the ALA, is the national association for information providers who work in collections and technical services. Areas of concentration of ALCTS members include acquisition, cataloging, collection development, preservation and archiving of all library materials in all formats as well as serial collection management.