Joint Conference planning on schedule for October 2006 event
Ken Yamashita
Joint Conference of Librarians of Color
For Immediate Release
June 16, 2005
Joint Conference planning on schedule for October 2006 event
CHICAGO - Gladys Smiley Bell and Kenneth A. Yamashita, co-chairs of the Joint Conference of Librarians of Color 2006 (JCLC 2006) Steering Committee, announced that planning for the first-ever conference at the Adam's Mark Hotel in Dallas, October 2006, is proceeding well and on schedule. Since the American Library Association (ALA) Midwinter Meeting, the program committee has received many proposals for tracked programs from a wide variety of presenters.
The JCLC logo was approved prior to Midwinter and will be used on all JCLC materials and on the JCLC Web site ( ), which will be available prior to the ALA Annual Conference. The Web site contains registration, hotel and travel information, sessions and events descriptions, exhibitor and sponsor rates, and general information about the JCLC.
The logo for the conference is based on a design concept by Jose Ruiz-Alvarez, REFORMA president. The cluster of logos of the five caucus associations of color (AILA, APALA, BCALA, CALA and REFORMA) shows the organizations that are collaboratively supporting/sponsoring the JCLC with planning, volunteer committee work, financing and participation.
The Joint Conference's theme, “Gathering at the Waters: Embracing Our Spirits, Telling Our Stories,” sets the tone that flows through the programs, pre-conference institutes, keynote addresses, all-conference events and the exhibits to be held at the JCLC in Dallas, October 11 – 15, 2006. The JCLC programs will be designed to attract participants from the membership of the five ALA-affiliated caucus associations of color and their colleagues and supporters.
In addition, any librarian, library worker or advocate who provides library services to communities of color and who is interested in learning from and sharing with practitioners and experts in the field is encouraged to attend.
The idea of a joint conference of librarians of color was first discussed at the June 1998 ALA Annual Conference. The JCLC 2006 Steering Committee, composed of two appointees from each of the five ethnic caucus associations (AILA, APALA, BCALA, CALA and REFORMA) was formed in 2001 to initiate the planning process for the joint conference.
The Steering Committee has contracted with the Adam's Mark Hotel and Convention Center, Dallas, for the conference hotel and facilities; Hall-Erickson Expositions, Inc. for exhibits, sponsorships and advertisers; and ALA Conference Services for registration coordination and assistance with site selection and local arrangements.
The ALA Office for Literacy and Outreach Services (OLOS) is the JCLC Steering Committee liaison to the association for the JCLC website and other staff support of the conference.