Sizemore named winner of ALSC/Sagebrush Education Resources Literature Program Grant

Contact: Meredith Parets
(312) 280-2166

For Immediate Release
February 7, 2005

Sizemore named winner of ALSC/Sagebrush Education

Resources Literature Program Grant

CHICAGO - Lisa Sizemore of the Louisville (Ky.) Free Public Library has been named the winner of the 2005 ALSC/Sagebrush Education Resources Literature Program Grant for her program "ArtsReach Comedy Club for Kids."
Sponsored by Sagebrush Education Resources,
the award is administered by the Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC), a division of the American Library Association (ALA).

The ALSC/Sagebrush Education Resources Literature Program Grant is designed to honor a member of the ALSC who has developed and implemented a unique and outstanding reading or literature program for children (infants through age fourteen).
The award provides a grant of $1,000 to support the winning member's attendance at the ALA Annual Conference, to be held in Chicago, June 23-29, 2005.
The award is made possible through an annual grant from Sagebrush Corporation.

Participants in "ArtsReach Comedy Club for Kids" learned performance and improvisation skills, wrote their own jokes and worked with local comedians. The program provided a comprehensive art experience for children, actively involving them in a collaborative setting and promoting their participation in the Summer Reading Club. In addition, the program was designed to support Kentucky Education Reform Act outcomes to develop multiple-intelligence experience in the areas of verbal/linguistic skills.

"We had an impressive group of applications this year," said Patricia Dollisch, DeKalb County (Ga.) Public Library, chair of the selection committee.
Her committee made the selection during the 2005 Midwinter Conference in Boston.

Other members of the selection committee are Susan Knipe, Evergreen Branch Library, Camano Island, Wash.; Jane Connor, South Carolina State Library, Columbia, S.C.; and Leslie Edmonds Holt, library consultant, St. Louis.