Idaho State Library to host YALSA's institute, Power Up with Prin
Contact: Nichole Gilbert
For Immediate Release
August 15, 2005
Idaho State Library to host YALSA's institute, Power Up with Print
CHICAGO - The Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), the fastest growing division of the American Library Association (ALA), has contracted with the Idaho State Library to hold YALSA's Institute, Power Up with Print: Connecting Teens and Reading in a Digital Age.
The goal of the institute, which is available for licensing from YALSA, is to provide library workers with the tools and resources they need to effectively meet the needs of the teens in their community. Attendees will learn about the best new books and resources for teens; classic and contemporary young adult authors; young adult literary awards and selected lists; new techniques to reach reluctant readers; strategies to strengthen the library's young adult collection; and methods for planning programs that are a hit with today's teens.
The Power Up with Print Institute will be held in September in Nampa, Idaho Falls and Coeur d'Alene. Presenting the Institute will be Francisca Goldsmith, librarian, author and director on YALSA's Board of Directors. Currently, Goldsmith works as the collection management and promotion librarian at Berkeley Public Library. Since 1994, she has been training public and school librarians in a variety of library service areas, including readers' advisory, collection development, and program planning.
"All of us in YALSA are pleased that we're able to offer a workshop like "Power Up with Print" to assist those who work with teens,” said Pam Spencer Holley, YALSA President. “Expanding ones knowledge of available books makes it that much more fun to provide readers advisory for young people."
For more information about YALSA or its institutes, please visit the Web at, or contact the YALSA office by e-mail:; or phone: 1(800) 545-2433 ext. 4390.