ASCLA hires project director to revise BPH standards

Contact: Lillian Lewis, RUSA Deputy Executive Director


For Immediate Release

June 13, 2003

ASCLA hires project director to revise BPH standards

The Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies (ASCLA) is pleased to announce that Courtney Deines-Jones, Grimalkin Group, Baltimore, is project director to develop the new edition of
Standards and Guidelines of Services for the Library of Congress Network of Libraries for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, 1995.

“Courtney is an experienced grant and project manager for library, information, and knowledge management and technology projects,” stated ASCLA President Ethel Himmel. “She has designed training on Americans with Disabilities Act compliance and specializes in developing library services to patrons with disabilities.”

Deines-Jones will facilitate and coordinate all phases of the standards development process including managing a working team and project advisory group. Additional responsibilities include arranging meetings for the working team and advisory group, scheduling public hearings and presentations before interested groups, conducting research, preparing drafts and the final copy of the standards document and handling distribution, and planning project expenditures and managing budgeted funds.

The estimated length of the project is two years.

Questions may be directed to Lillian Lewis, deputy executive director, Association of Specialized and Cooperative Agencies, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60610, Phone: 800-545-2433 x-4396 or e-mail:

ASCLA is a division of the American Library Association.