ALA and Oprah's Book Club 2003


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ALA and Oprah’s Book Club 2003

The American Library Association (ALA) will again partner with Oprah’s Book Club to distribute free book club selections to libraries nationwide. At the request of Oprah Winfrey, the publisher of each Book Club selection will donate to school, public and community college libraries that are organizational members of ALA. Each library will receive two to five copies, depending on the facility’s size. This is the first year community college libraries have been able to participate in this organizational member benefit.

Book discussions and author readings are the top two literary programs in libraries in terms of frequency and audience size, according to a 1999 survey conducted by the ALA and the Lila Wallace-Reader’ s Digest Fund.

To learn more about ALA Organizational Member benefits or to join, click "Join" at the top right of the ALA home page, , or call 800-545-2433, press 5.

Winfrey made news earlier this year with the announcement that her book club was being relaunched. The new club will likely feature selections three to five times a year.

To learn more about the book club and post information about your favorite classics, please visit .