ALA introduces new Communication Preferences

Contact: Debi Lewis

Web Development Manager


For Immediate Release

July 25, 2003

ALA introduces new Communication Preferences

The American Library Association (ALA) has created new, clearer communication preferences for its members. Members may visit ALA's Web site at and login to use use the newly developed Communication Preferences form to make their wishes known.
Users may select one of three levels of communication from ALA, as follows:

Keep Me in the Know: Members who choose this option will receive communications about opportunities from ALA (offices, divisions, committees, and round tables) and carefully screened outside organizations (e.g., ALA affiliates, chapters, candidates for ALA office, library vendors, documentary film producers and publishers) as well as official membership communication (ballot, renewal and membership card, American Libraries and division journals and newsletters specified in the ALA Handbook of Organization).

Just ALA, Please: Members who select this option will receive communications about opportunities from ALA (including offices, divisions, committees and round tables) and official membership communication (ballot, renewal and membership card, American Libraries and division journals and newsletters specified in the ALA Handbook of Organization).

Official Communications Only: This option allows members to receive only official membership communications (ballot, renewal and membership card, American Libraries and division journals and newsletters specified in the ALA Handbook of Organization).

At two of the communication levels, members may choose to specify their communications received in paper format, email, or both. Any preferences set by ALA members prior to the introduction of these new levels will be honored, and there is no need to reset preferences that have already been specified.

These new preference levels will take effect on August 11, 2003, but members may return to the Web site at any time before or after that date to edit their preferences. Members who prefer to specify their preferences over the phone may call the Member and Customer Service Center at 1.800.545.2433 and press 5.

The American Library Association is committed to protecting the privacy of our members, donors, customers, and other contacts. For assistance with your login, contact For questions or comments about Communication Preferences, please contact