John Cotton Dana Library Public Relations Award

Contact: Arawa McClendon

Communications Officer


For Immediate Release

October 3, 2003

John Cotton Dana Library Public Relations Award competition open for 2004

Competition is now open for the 2004 John Cotton Dana Library Public Relations Award contest, sponsored by the H. W. Wilson Company and the Library Administration and Management Association (LAMA).

The deadline for entries is December 12, 2003.

Presented annually since 1946, the award honors outstanding library public relations programs that support a specific project, goal or activity, or a sustained, ongoing program (e.g. the promotion of a summer reading program, a year-long centennial celebration, fundraising for a new college library, an awareness campaign or an innovative partnership in the community).

The contest is open to all libraries and agencies that promote library service.
Entries can be for calendar year 2003 (January-December), school year 2002-2003 (Fall-Spring) or any special project that ends in 2003.

Completed entries are received by LAMA and judged by a committee of the LAMA Public Relations and Marketing Section at the 2004 American Library Association (ALA) Midwinter Meeting in San Diego.
The awards and cash grants will be presented during the 2004 ALA Annual Conference in Orlando, Fla.

Additional information and entry forms are available at, then clickingon the navigational item Awards; or contact Arawa K. McClendon, Communications Officer, LAMA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL
60611; e-mail; fax:
312/280-5033; phone: 312/280-5035.

LAMA, a division of ALA, promotes outstanding leadership and management practices and identifies, encourages, and nurtures tomorrow’s leaders and managers.