ACRL provides @ your library toolkit to help promote academic and research libraries

Contact: Hugh Thompson

ACRL Manager of Publications


For Immediate Release

October 24, 2003

ACRL provides @ your library toolkit to help promote academic and research libraries

The Association of College and Research Libraries’(ACRL) Academic and Research Libraries Campaign offers members an @ your library toolkit as a resource designed to help librarians create a campaign to promote their libraries across campuses and in their communities.
The toolkit includes creative strategies, practical ideas, case studies, profiles, customizable press releases, and resource lists. A
dditional strategic marketing resources and downloadable graphics are also available.

Free copies of the toolkit are available for download from ACRL’s Web site at (click Issues & Advocacy / Marketing @ Your Library).
Hard copies are available for $7 on the same page.
For additional resources and information regarding the Academic and Research Library Campaign, visit

April 2003 marked the official launch of ACRL's Academic and Research Library Campaign, part of the American Library Association’s (ALA) Campaign for America's Libraries, to create awareness and understanding of the value of academic and research libraries and librarians in the 21st century.

“The Girl Scouts do it. Barnes & Noble does it.
Many of us in academic and research libraries thought we would never have to do it – “it” being marketing and public relations,” said Helen Spalding, past-president of ACRL.
“But the reality is that in today’s complex information environment, we have a greater responsibility to communicate the resources and expertise our libraries and librarians provide on our campuses and in our society.”

Developed in collaboration with ACRL, the Academic and Research Campaign has several key external goals: promoting awareness of the unique role of academic libraries and their contributions to society, increasing visibility and support for academic and research libraries and librarians, helping librarians better market their services on site and online and positioning academic and research librarianship as a desirable career opportunity.

In addition, the Campaign seeks to generate a greater understanding/sensitivity to the needs of academic and research libraries, foster a sense of pride among academic and research librarians and a greater connection with other types of libraries.
The campaign also will position academic and research libraries and librarians more prominently in ALA’s national public awareness efforts.

ACRL is a division of ALA, representing 12,000 academic and research librarians and interested individuals. ACRL is the only individual membership organization in North America that develops programs, products and services to meet the unique needs of academic and research librarians.
Its initiatives enable the higher education community to understand the role that academic and research libraries play in the teaching, learning and research environments.