New Online Tools Available as Get on Board and Read begins

Contact: Megan Humphrey

Campaign Coordinator


For Immediate Release

November 11, 2003

New online tools available as Get on Board and Read @ your library program begins

The Get on Board and Read @ your library program, through which teens can win a trip to meet pro skateboarder Tony Hawk, officially kicks off today with the launch of a new Web site. Librarians that register on the site will receive access to free materials to help them promote the program, including downloadable posters and bookmarks, programming ideas and sample press materials. To date, over 2,300 librarians have registered on the site at
. The program runs through the end of April.

Developed by ALA and Morningstar Foods Inc., maker of HERSHEY®’S Milk and MilkShakes, "Get on Board and Read @ your library" invites teens to check out a book from their local library and create an entry about how the book is meaningful to them. Teens can submit a written essay or a creative entry consisting of a poem, painting or video and can work individually or as a team. The librarian who sponsors the winning teen or team will also go on the grand prize trip to meet Tony Hawk.

"Get on Board and Read" is also offering Tony Hawk skateboards as first-place prizes; copies of Hawk’s book, "
Hawk: Occupation: Skateboarder" as second-place prizes; and a one-month’s supply of HERSHEY’S Milks and MilkShakes as third-place prizes.

The program also encourages librarians to reach out to teens and invite them to submit an entry. A new incentive program offers 50 coupons for HERSHEY®’S Milk and MilkShakes for librarians who submit at least 5-14 teen entries; 15 HERSHEY’S Milk and MilkShake T-shirts for those who submit 15 to 24 entries; and an autographed poster of Tony Hawk and t-shirts for 25 or more entries. Librarians who submit a report on how they promoted the program, along with sample publicity materials, will be also be entered into a drawing for a $100 gift bookstore gift certificate.

"Get on Board and Read @ your library" is part of The Campaign for America's Libraries, ALA’s multi-year public education initiative to speak loudly and clearly about the value of libraries and librarians in the 21st Century. Morningstar Foods Inc. is a founding partner in the campaign. For more information about the @ your library campaign, visit