2004 National Library Week CD, online resources now available
Contact: Deborah Davis or Trish Cleary
For Immediate Release
November 17, 2003
2004 National Library Week CD, online resources now available
Just as there is something for everyone @ your library, there is something for every library in the American Library Association's new National Library Week 2004 materials now available from ALA Graphics and the ALA Public Information Office.
National Library Week will be celebrated April 18-24, 2004. The official National Library Week poster, mini poster, bookmark, and banner feature bright colors and all-inclusive silhouettes. The materials are available from ALA Graphics for purchase separately or in sets with special pricing.
Libraries also can save time and money by purchasing ALA Graphic's cutting-edge Library People CD. This innovative CD allows libraries to create their own beautiful, customized artwork to celebrate National Library Week as well as promote libraries year-round. The CD includes design elements from the National Library Week campaign poster and bookmark, as well as graphics for page borders; web banners; buttons, stationery and more. To order, see the current ALA Graphics Catalog, call 1-866-SHOP-ALA, send a fax to 770-280-4155 or visit the ALA Online Store at
In addition to these materials, the CD includes customizable tipsheets in English and Spanish prepared by the ALA Public Information Office to help you publicize National Library Week. The materials focus on Equity of Access, one of ALA President Carla Hayden's presidential initiatives, and utilize the @ your library brand. They include a sample press release, sample radio PSAs, proclamation, sample letter-to-the-editor, programming suggestions and display ideas. The tipsheets also are available for downloading in English and Spanish on The Campaign for America's Libraries Web site at
www.ala.org/@yourlibrary. Click on the National Library Week icon.
Libraries are encouraged to let the Public Information Office know what they are planning for National Library Week. Send an email to: