ALA Web site will feature short URLs

Contact: Larra Clark, Press Officer


For Immediate Release

December 30, 2003

ALA Web site will feature short URLs

Major enhancements to the American Library Association Web site will be introduced during the week of January 19. For ALA members, the most noticeable improvement will be shorter URLs, allowing for easier reference to the site in print and online publications.

"I'm very pleased with the solution developed. I'm glad we were able to fix the problem as part of the continued planned improvements to the site," said John Duke, chair Web site Advisory Committee, of members and divisional representatives appointed by the ALA president. The Committee is responsible for making recommendations concerning technical issues that have policy implications, and to advise the Association on priorities and strategies that promote utilization and continued development of the ALA Web site.

An example of the change in URLs illustrates the extent of the improvement. Currently, the URL for the Library Bill of Rights appears as follows:

Intellectual_Freedom3/Statements_ and_Policies/Intellectual_Freedom2/


After the change is implemented, the URL will be:…

The URL solution implemented will be an actual alteration to the structure of the site and content management system, a major overhaul of the system launched by ALA in April of 2003. The solution has been extensively tested by the WAC and ALA staff.

"The Web site is one of our most important communications vehicles, and we should take every opportunity to maximize its usefulness," said ALA President Carla Hayden. "Thanks to the members and staff that have continued to work out the ‘kinks.’"

Additional changes to be rolled out in January include a new "Cite This Page" feature, which will provide easy standardized citations on all ALA pages, and streamlined sidebar navigation for the sections of the site devoted to ALA Offices and Round Tables.

For additional information regarding future ALA Web site changes, please visit the, and click on the
FAQ hotlink.