Martin Sable wins RUSA Isadore Gilbert Mudge-R.R. Bowker Award

Contact: Eileen Hardy


For Immediate Release

March 5, 2003

Martin Sable wins RUSA Isadore Gilbert Mudge-R.R. Bowker Award

Martin Sable, professor emeritus of the School of Library and Information Studies, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, is the recipient of the 2003 Isadore Gilbert Mudge-R.R. Bowker Award presented by the Reference and User Services Association (RUSA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA).

The award of $5,000 and a citation, donated by R.R. Bowker, recognizes distinguished contributions to reference librarianship. It is named for Isadore Gilbert Mudge who was a reference librarian, a bibliographer at Columbia University in New York and author of the 1917 revision of the
Guide to the Study and Use of Reference Books.

"Dr. Sable's outstanding research and scholarship has focused on documenting and providing access to the groups outside the mainstream whose record might otherwise be lost," said Richard Bleiler, award committee chair. "His many groundbreaking publications include numerous bibliographies listing the resources available for the study of the people and cultures in Central and South Latin America. His research has led him to compile works on such varied subjects as the Kennedy family, urbanization, industrial espionage, exobiology and holocaust studies."

The award will be presented at the RUSA Awards Ceremony on June 23, 2003, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m., during the ALA Annual Conference in Toronto.