Marshall Cavendish Excellence in Library Programming Award named

Contact: Cheryl Malden


For Immediate Release

April 24, 2003

Marshall Cavendish Excellence in Library Programming Award named

The American Library Association (ALA) is pleased to announce that the Haines (Alaska) Borough Public Library is the winner of Marshall Cavendish Excellence in Library Programming Award, sponsored by the Marshall Cavendish Corporation. The annual award of $5,000 and a citation recognizes either a school or public library which demonstrates excellence in library programming by providing programs, which have community impact and respond to community needs.

The Haines Borough Public Library and the Chilkoot Indian Association Tribal Government developed a partnership to create a model for a dynamic and innovative technology awareness program to provide training to Tribal members and other residents through an Institute of Museum & Library Services Enhancement Grant.
Together they developed “The Dragonfly Project” – named to reflect the Tlingit belief that dragonflies are transports of the human soul, symbols of transformation.
The project provides young people, especially those at-risk, with the skills to become technology mentors at the public library and share their expertise with elders, adults and other young people.

The four goals of the project are:

Improve efficiency and quality of library network and technology infrastructure.

Improve access to technology for all Natives and other community members.

Improve technology literacy for all community members.

Improve self-concept, sense of capability and equip Native, disadvantaged and other teens to meet workplace challenges.

“‘The Dragonfly Project’ was considered worthy of this award because of the impact and importance it has in meeting the needs of the community,” said Chair Lydia Acosta. “This project provides an innovative and practical use of technology which enhances the ability of local Native residents to improve their skills and abilities to meet workplace challenges. This project serves as a model for others who wish to play an active role in improving technology literacy in their communities.”

The Haines Borough Public Library won the 2002 Gale Group Financial Development Award.

The Marshall Cavendish Excellence in Library Programming Award will be presented Tuesday,
June 24, during the ALA/CLA joint Annual Conference in Toronto.