Council of LAMA affiliates elects new officers

Contact: Arawa McClendon


For Immediate Release

March 5, 2003

Council of LAMA affiliates elects new officers

During the American Library Association (ALA) Midwinter Meeting in Philadelphia, the Council of Library Administration and Management Association (LAMA) Affiliates (COLA) elected officers for 2003-2004.

The new president is A. Michael Deller, director of The Library Network, Southgate, Mich., and member of the Michigan Library Association Management and Administration Division. The vice-president/president elect is Mary Ellen Chijioke, director of the Hege Library, Guilford College, Greensboro, N.C., and a member of the North Carolina Library Association Library Administration and Management Section. The secretary for 2003-2005 is Rochelle Logan, associate director of support services for the Douglas Public Library District, Castle Rock, Colo., and a member of the Management and Administration Division-Colorado Association of Libraries.

COLA provides a network for the exchange of information on activities and issues related to library administration and management, promotes leadership opportunities for LAMA members, and facilitates two-way communication between membership at the state/regional level and the board of directors of LAMA at the national level. For more information on COLA, contact Arawa McClendon at or visit the
LAMA Web site.

LAMA is a division of ALA.