American Library Association supports legislation to exempt libraries, booksellers from certain provisions of USA Patriot Act

Contact: Frank DiFulvio


For Immediate Release

March 6, 2003

American Library Association supports legislation to exempt libraries, booksellers from certain provisions of USA Patriot Act

(WASHINGTON DC) - The American Library Association (ALA) strongly supports legislation introduced by Rep. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), the Freedom to Read Protection Act, which would exempt libraries and booksellers from certain provisions of the USA Patriot Act - in order to protect Americans' constitutionally guaranteed right to read and access information without governmental intrusion or monitoring.

"America's libraries do support our government in our nation's efforts to preserve and protect the many freedoms that we enjoy as Americans' and remain committed to our nation's security - as well as protecting the constitutional rights of our patrons," said ALA Washington Office Executive Director Emily Sheketoff. "That is why librarians will continue to follow the law, and comply with all legal requests from law enforcement officials."

However, the Freedom to Read Protection Act would prevent unwarranted and unconstitutional intrusions into our fundamental constitutional right to think, read, and access information freely and openly. Recent history tells us that this is a reasonable and legitimate concern. Many librarians and library users recall the FBI's Library Awareness Program of the 1970s and 80s, when the FBI inappropriately attempted to monitor patron's reading habits and obtain personal information about library users. The library community is determined not to repeat this mistake.

"There can be no question that we must protect Americans against terrorists, but that does not mean that we have to give the federal government the right to monitor what Americans are reading at their local library, or what books they are buying at their local book store," said Rep Sanders. "The Freedom To Read Protection will protect Americans' constitutional rights to read books without fear that someone is violating their right to privacy," he concluded.

In January, the ALA Council passed a resolution on the
USA Patriot Act and Related Measures That Infringe on the Rights of Library Users, and the
ALA Washington Office and
Office for Intellectual Freedom have created Web pages on Libraries and the Patriot Act.