ACRL announces 2003 award winners
Contact: Stephanie Sherrod
For Immediate Release
March 7, 2003
ACRL announces 2003 award winners
Cheng receives Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship
Yungrang Laura Cheng, a Ph.D. candidate from Indiana University, has been awarded the 2003 Association of College and Research Librarians (ACRL) Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship for her proposal, "Thoughts, Feelings and Actions: Quantitative Comparisons of Interactions and Relationships Among Three Factors in College Students' Information Seeking." Sponsored by Thomson ISI, the fellowship fosters research in academic librarianship by encouraging and supporting dissertation research.
Cheng received her B.A. from National Taiwan University in 1989 and her M.L.S. from Indiana University in 1993.
"Cheng's use of both qualitative and quantitative methodologies makes her proposal very innovative," said Committee Chair Kathryn Blackmer-Reyes. "Her work with complex methodologies in both formats strengthens her research question of information seeking very uniquely. While her interest in how students process information is informative, it is precisely her research methodology that places her work above the other candidates. It should offer insights useful to front line academic librarians on how and why students seek information."
The award of $1,500 and a plaque will be presented to Cheng at the American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference in Toronto at the ACRL President's Program Monday, June 23, at 1:30 p.m.
Farrell & Truitt awarded Lazerow Fellowship
Katharine Treptow Farrell, Princeton University Library, and Marc Truitt, University of Notre Dame Library, are the winners of the Samuel Lazerow Fellowship for their proposal to develop standards for acquisitions data in integrated library systems. Sponsored by Thomson ISI, the award fosters advances in collection development and technical services by providing fellowships to librarians for travel or writing in those fields.
"The research proposed by Farrell and Truitt addresses a significant concern for many academic libraries and will be an important contribution to the field," said Committee Chair George Abbott.
The $1,000 award and plaques will be presented during the ALA Annual Conference in Toronto at the ACRL President's Program Monday, June 23, at 1:30 p.m.
Snavely wins IS Miriam Dudley Instruction Librarian Award
Loanne Snavely, head of instructional programs at Pennsylvania State University Libraries is the winner of the ACRL Instruction Section's Miriam Dudley Instruction Librarian Award. This award recognizes a librarian who has made a significant contribution to the advancement of instruction in a college or research library environment.
"As one of her nominators so aptly described it, Loanne Snavely has been a 'consistent and important voice in the development and maturation of information literacy," said Committee Chair Beth Woodard. "Adding Loanne's name to the list of distinguished Miriam Dudley Award winners is overdue."
The award is sponsored by Elsevier Science on behalf of its journal Research Strategies. A check for $1,000 and a plaque will be presented to Snavely during the ALA Annual Conference in Toronto at the IS Program, Sunday, June 22 at 1:30 p.m.
Little honored with Marta Lange/CQ Award
The late Rosemary Allen Little, public administration, politics and law librarian at Princeton University Library, has been named the 2003 recipient of Marta Lange/Congressional Quarterly (CQ) Award. The award, established in 1996 by the ACRL Law and Political Science Section (LPSS), honors an academic or law librarian who has made distinguished contributions to bibliography and information service in law or political science.
"The letters of nomination commend Rosemary Little as a lifelong champion including selfless dedication to the promotion of access to government information," said Committee Chair Connie Salyers Stoner. "She helped found the ALA's Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) through which she furthered awareness of international and foreign government documents.
"Her career path at Princeton was a model of excellence in the areas of mentorship, professional development and international engagement," Stoner continued. "Several of her Princeton faculty colleagues praised her commitment for working with people at every stage of their academic careers, from undergraduates to advanced scholars. She treated students with the same professionalism, dedication and respect she accorded senior members of the faculty. Virtually everyone who has spent any time in the Princeton Politics Department has a positive story to tell about her professionalism and love of knowledge."
Little received her A.B. from Douglass College in 1960 and her M.L.S. from Rutgers University in 1961.
Congressional Quarterly, Inc., sponsor of the award, will present the $1,000 award and plaque at the ALA Annual Conference in Toronto at the Marta Lange/CQ Luncheon, Saturday, June 21, at 11:30 a.m.
Dickstein wins WSS Career Achievement Award
Ruth H. Dickstein, social sciences librarian at the University of Arizona, has been selected as the 2003 winner of the ACRL Women's Studies Section (WSS) Career Achievement Award. The award, sponsored by Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc., honors significant long-standing contributions to women's studies librarianship over the course of a career.
"Ruth Dickstein is an outstanding example of a women's studies librarian," Connie Phelps, committee chair said. "She has made important, groundbreaking contributions to the field of women's studies librarianship with her research and publications, her professional presentations, her mentoring of students and colleagues, and her service to the profession through the ACRL Women's Studies Section, of which she was a founding member. Her work as the women's studies librarian at the University of Arizona is a model for collaborative teaching."
A cash prize of $1,000 and a plaque will be presented to Dickstein at the WSS Program during the 2003 ALA Annual Conference in Toronto, Monday, June 23, at 8:30 a.m.
WSS Significant Achievement Award goes to Barnes
Sherri Barnes, associate librarian for women's studies, U.S. history and the writing program, and humanities collection coordinator at the University of California Santa Barbara, is the winner of the 2003 WSS Award for Significant Achievement in Woman's Studies Librarianship. The award honors a significant or one-time contribution to women's studies librarianship.
"Sherri's Web site, Black American Feminism: A Multidisciplinary Bibliography, brings together a vast number of citations from a variety of publications and makes the information available to anyone seeking information on African American feminist thought," said Committee Chair Connie Phelps. "A project like this in a book format would be a useful tool, but having the information available on a Web site will give access to a much greater number of people."
A cash prize of $1,000 and a plaque will be presented to Barnes at the WSS Program during the 2003 ALA Annual Conference in Toronto, Monday, June 23, at 8:30 a.m.
University of Michigan wins IS Innovation in Instruction Award
The Instructor College Task Force at the University of Michigan Library, consisting of Laurie Alexander, Joy Cichewicz, Karen Downing, Laurie Sutch and Patricia Yocum, has been chosen to receive the 2003 ACRL Instruction Section (IS) Innovation in Instruction Award for efforts in strengthening the instructional skills of library staff. Sponsored by Lexis-Nexis, the award recognizes librarians who have developed innovative approaches to information literacy that support best practices in education at their institutions or in their communities.
"The Instructor College is a comprehensive and focused staff development program designed to strengthen the instructional skills of library staff through an ongoing, in-house professional development program," said Committee Chairs Abbie Loomis and Kristin Strohmeyer. "Grounded in an ongoing needs assessment process, the Instructor College provides programs and workshops designed to meet the specific continuing education needs of the university library's instruction staff. The program makes efficient use of resources by tapping into in-house and on-campus expertise and by developing an ongoing, systematized, in-house curriculum for all instruction staff. The program not only is an invaluable resource for library staff, but it also sends a strong message to the whole campus that librarians care about teaching. The program can serve as a model for other libraries, including regional consortia of libraries."
A prize of $3,000 and a plaque will be presented to the task force members during the ALA Annual Conference in Toronto at the IS Program, Sunday, June 22, at 1:30 p.m.
Elmborg named IS Publication Award winner
James K. Elmborg, assistant professor at the School of Library and Information Science at the University of Iowa, has been chosen as this year's winner of the ACRL Instruction Section (IS) Publication Award.
"'Teaching at the Desk: Toward a Reference Pedagogy' reminds public services librarians who work at the reference desk that teaching isn't just something that happens in the classroom, it can-and should-happen at the reference desk as well," said Loomis and Strohmeyer. "Using constructivist learning theory and drawing upon the close connections between teaching composition theory and teaching research strategies, Elmborg develops a pedagogy for the reference desk. He encourages librarians to resist the temptation of simply doing students' work for them at the reference desk and, instead, to take advantage of the 'teachable moments' reference transactions often provide."
Elmborg will receive a citation at the Instruction Section dinner during the 2003 ALA Annual Conference in Toronto, Friday, June 20.
Leab Exhibition Award winners named
There are four winners, two honorable mentions and one award of special commendation for the 2003 Katharine Kyes Leab and Daniel J. Leab Awards.
In Division One (expensive), the winner is
Devices of Wonder: From the World in a Box to Images on a Screen, by Barbara Maria Stafford and Frances Terpak, submitted by the Getty Research Institute. "The committee selected
Devices of Wonder for its scholarly impact, defining, as it does, a distinct genre of special collections material from a broad selection of seemingly heterogeneous three-dimensional objects," said Committee Chair Claudia Funke.
It was the feeling of the committee that any future research on the topic of 'artful eye' machines would have to reckon with this extensive examination. The catalog also was admired for its stunning design and production: the many high-quality color reproductions, the legible text and the pleasingly smaller-than-coffee-table-book dimensions."
Johannes Lebek: The Artist as a Witness of His Time, by Ronald Salter, from Stanford University Libraries, department of special collections, has been awarded an honorable mention in the Division One category. "The committee chose to give an honorable mention to
Johannes Lebek for demonstrating the continued viability of a finely printed catalog," Funke said.
The winner in Division Two (moderately expensive) is the College of the Holy Cross, Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Art Gallery, and the American Antiquarian Society for their piece entitled
Sacred Spaces: Building and Remembering Sites of Worship in the Nineteenth Century, by Georgia Barnhill, William D. Moore, Louis Nelson, Virginia Chieffo Raguin, and Dell Upton. "
Sacred Spaces provides a thorough treatment of a neglected topic using a wide variety of special collections materials," said Funke. "It also represents a successful collaboration between professional scholars and undergraduate students."
In Division Three (inexpensive), The New York Public Library's Graphic Design Department's
Victorians, Moderns, Beats: New in the Berg Collection, 1994-2001, by Isaac Gewirtz is the winner. Funke commented, "
Victorians, Moderns, Beats is a model short exhibition catalog, with brief but thorough bibliographic citations and a first-rate essay. The latter eloquently interprets an important special collection's acquisitions in tandem with the literary movements in one language on two continents, over the past two centuries."
In Division Four (brochures), the winner is
Virginia Roots Music: Creating and Conserving Tradition, by Gregg D. Kimball, from The Library of Virginia. "
Virginia Roots Music is an enticing introduction to a fascinating subject, the indigenous musical tradition of the state. The brochure is one of the best examples the committee has seen of a publication with K-12 appeal yet enough sophistication to satisfy the educated exhibition-goer. It includes 'Suggested Activities for Teachers,' but also an informative text, bibliography and discography. One could as easily picture the unfolded brochure--with its attractive map and images--mounted on an enthusiast's home wall, or on a classroom bulletin board," Funke said.
A Division Four Honorable Mention has been awarded to The Pierpont Morgan Library for
A Love Affair with Line: Drawings by Al Hirschfeld, by Fredric Woodbridge Wilson and Jennifer Tonkovich. "
A Love Affair with Line is an elegant example of the brochure genre. The well-written introduction, the detailed checklist, the bold primary colors, and the designer's good sense to stay out of the way of Hirschfeld's masterful graphics, all make this publication a fine exhibition souvenir," said Funke.
Finally, one Special Commendation for Electronic Exhibitions has been awarded to The Bancroft Library at the University of California, Berkeley, for
Images of Native Americans
. "The committee chose to commend
Images of Native Americans for the successful way in which it chronicled a major library acquisition (the evaluation, purchase and conservation of James Otto Lewis's
Aboriginal Port Folio, 1835-1836) in the context of related library holdings," said Funke. "The committee also found the electronic exhibition to have excellent navigation and believed that it would have enduring value as a subject resource."
Certificates will be presented to each winner during the 2003 ALA Annual Conference in Toronto at the RBMS Program, Sunday, June 22 at 1:30 p.m.
K.G. Saur Award
Lila Faulkner, electronic publications graduate assistant and Karla Hahn, management team leader, University of Maryland Libraries, will receive the 2003 K. G. Saur Award for the most outstanding article in
College & Research Libraries (
Their article "Evaluative Usage-Based Metrics for the Selection of E-Journals," appeared in the May 2002 issue of
"This article is representative of many of the best articles this year, many of which focused on the use of Web and electronic resources," said Committee Chair Norma Kobzina. "It is well thought-out, demonstrating a lot of intellectual rigor, and is extremely well written. It is relevant to the issue of selection of databases within the economic constraints that all libraries are facing. The authors present an innovative approach to making selection decisions about electronic journals, asking specifically what is an acceptable cost. Much thought and analysis went into the usage metrics and benchmarks. With an interesting use of price models, this article invites adaptation and refinement by others."
Faulkner and Hahn will receive $500 and plaques, donated by K. G. Saur Publishing Company, an imprint of the Gale Group, during the ALA Annual Conference in Toronto at the ACRL President's Program, Monday, June 23, 2003 at 1:30 p.m.
Rockman named EBSS Distinguished Librarian
Ilene F. Rockman, manager of the information competence initiative, system-wide library initiatives at the The California State University, Office of the Chancellor, has been chosen to receive the 2003 ACRL Education & Behavioral Sciences Section (EBSS) Distinguished Librarian Award.
"Rockman's resume clearly shows her long-standing commitment to service and scholarship in the areas of education and the behavioral sciences, with particular emphasis on instruction, information literacy, reference resources, and administration," said Committee Chair Charles Thurston.
Rockman will be presented with her award citation during the ALA Annual Conference in Toronto at the EBSS Program, Saturday, June 21, at 1:30 p.m.
STS Oberly Award goes to Frodin
David G. Frodin, honorary research associate of the Royal Botanic Gardens in the United Kingdom, is this year's winner of the ACRL Science and Technology Section's (STS) Oberly Award for
Bibliography in the Agricultural or Natural Sciences.
"The bibliography is international in scope and is an excellent resource that is important for all libraries that have collections in botany and natural history, " said Committee Chair Kathy Fescemyer.
A plaque and cash prize will be awarded to Frodin and he will be recognized during the STS Program at the upcoming 2003 ALA Annual Conference in Toronto, Monday, June 23, at 8:30 a.m.
Olson wins Coutts Nijhoff Study Grant
Michael P. Olson, librarian, Germanic collections at Harvard University, has received the 2003 Coutts Nijhoff International West European Specialist Study Grant. This grant covers airfare to and from Europe, transportation in Europe, and lodging and board for up to 14 days. The primary criterion for awarding the grant is the significance and utility of the proposed project as a contribution to the study of the acquisition, organization, or use of library materials from or relating to Western Europe.
"The Coutts-Nijhoff Award Jury believes that Olson's project, a book-length study entitled 'Two Libraries, Two Peoples: Die Deutsche Bibliothek and Die Staatsbibibliothek zu Berlin since German Reunification,' will be a very timely and useful study of the social and historical realities of the amalgamation of East and West Germany, as expressed in the world of the library," said Committee Chair Barbara Walden.
Olson will receive his plaque and 4,500 Euros at the WESS meeting at the 2003 ALA Annual Conference in Toronto, Monday, June 23, at 8:30 a.m.
Carr and Baton Rouge Community College win CJCLS awards
Mary Carr, dean of instructional services and telecommunications and director of college development at Spokane Community College, has been selected as the 2003 winner of the Community and Junior College Libraries Section (CJCLS) EBSCO Community College Learning Resources Award. The award honors significant achievement in the advocacy of learning resources, as well as leadership in professional organizations that support the missions of community, junior and technical colleges.
"Mary's contributions and achievements in advocacy for community college libraries, and her leadership in professional associations, such as the National Council of Learning Resources, have had national impact," said committee chair Paula Asch. "In particular, her roll in the formulation-and adoption by the American Association of Community Colleges-of the Position Statement on Library and Learning Resource Center Programs made Mary the clear and unanimous choice of the committee."
Baton Rouge Community College has been chosen to receive the CJCLS/EBSCO Community College Learning Resources Program Achievement Award.
"The committee was impressed with the library's 'whole package' approach for collaboration between faculty and library/learning resources staff for a program that encompasses information literacy, instructional technology, and course content design," said Asch. "The library has taken the initiative in reaching out to faculty for this collaboration."
A citation and $500, donated by EBSCO Information Services, will be presented to the recipients during the ALA Annual Conference in Toronto at the CJCLS Membership Meeting, Sunday, June 22, 2003, at 8 a.m.
ACRL is the only individual membership organization in North America that develops programs, products and services to meet the unique needs of academic librarians. ACRL's 12,000 members are comprised of individuals from a wide range of academic institutions, publishers and vendors who sell in the academic marketplace. ACRL enhances the effectiveness of academic and research librarians to advance learning, teaching and research in higher education. More information about ACRL's programs and services can be found on
ACRL's Web site. ACRL is a division of the ALA.