Virginia Boucher-OCLC Distinguished ILL Librarian Award recipient named
Contact: Eileen Hardy
For Immediate Release
April 2002
Virginia Boucher-OCLC Distinguished ILL Librarian Award recipient named
Tom Delaney, coordinator of interlibrary loan service, Colorado State University, is the 2002 Virginia Boucher-OCLC Distinguished Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Librarian Award recipient. The Virginia Boucher-OCLC Distinguished ILL Award recognizes and honors a librarian for outstanding professional achievement, leadership and contributions to ILL and document delivery, and is administered by the Management and Operation of User Services Section (MOUSS) of the Reference and User Services Association (RUSA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA).
The award is named for Virginia Boucher, professor emeritus at the university of Colorado-Boulder and former ILL librarian whose significant contributions and leadership enhanced the field of interlibrary loan.
"Tom Delaney's work with electronic forms provided the means for many libraries to eliminate paper forms and allowed them to process requests much more quickly," stated Joanne Halgren, chair of the award committee. "His willingness to share new ideas with everyone is unsurpassable. Tom is an ILL practitioner committed to excellence and is a role model for resource sharing be it library collection sharing or in imparting his invaluable office skills and knowledge."
The award will be presented at the RUSA Awards Ceremony on June 17, 2002, from 4 to 6 p.m., during the ALA Annual Conference in Atlanta.