Swets Blackwell to sponsor Martinus Nijhoff Grant

Contact: Stephanie Sherrod



For Immediate Release

January 2002

Swets Blackwell to sponsor Martinus Nijhoff Grant

Swets Blackwell, which acquired Martinus Nijhoff International in August 2001, has announced that it will sponsor the Martinus Nijhoff International West European Specialist Study Grant for the year 2002.

The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) is accepting applications for the 2002 award through May 1. The winner will be announced at the American Library Association (ALA) Annual conference in Atlanta this summer.

Travel supported by this grant should take place during the fall of 2002. More information on the Nijhoff Award application process is available
online. For a list of published research that has been made possible by the Nijhoff grant, visit

The "Nijhoff Award," as it had come to be called, was founded in 1985 and provides for up to 10,000 Dutch guilders in support of research pertaining to Western European studies, librarianship or the book trade.

For further information about other
ACRL award opportunities or contact the ACRL Awards Program Assistant, Stephanie Sherrod at 312-280-2515, email,

ACRL is the only individual membership organization in North America that develops programs, products and services to meet the unique needs of academic librarians. ACRL's 11,000 members are comprised of individuals from a wide range of academic institutions, publishers and vendors who sell in the academic marketplace.

ACRL enhances the effectiveness of academic and research librarians to advance learning, teaching and research in higher education. More information about ACRL's programs and services can be located on the
ACRL Web site. ACRL is a division of the ALA.