RUSA presents preconferences

Contact: Lillian Lewis


For Immediate Release

April 17, 2002

RUSA presents preconferences

The Reference and User Services Association (RUSA) will present two workshops at the American Library Association's (ALA) Annual Conference in Atlanta Friday, June 14, 2002, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

  • Join the History Section's annual program on genealogy,
    Sites, Sources and Services: A Mini-Course for Librarians Serving Genealogists. Come and learn from experts about the online and print sources and techniques for helping patrons with family history searches.
  • Are you ready to launch a digital reference service at your library? Then the program,
    Digital Reference @ Your Library is a session you must attend. Whether you're just getting started, want to tinker with existing services, or need reassurance that your services are comparable to other libraries, this workshop will provide practical answers. Panel discussions, poster sessions and product demos round out this workshop, which will provide workable advice and time for sharing information about e-reference in all types of libraries.

The advance registration date is May 10, 2002. The fees are $175 RUSA members; $220 ALA members; $320 non-members/international; $115 student/retired.

To register by mail: send form and payment to: American Library Association, Dept. #77-6565, Chicago, IL 60678-6565 or by fax: to pay with a credit card, fax completed form 24 hours a day to 1-312-280-1538, (do not mail faxed form).

RUSA is a division of the ALA.