PLA call for award nominations

Contact: Nicole Wheatley


For Immediate Release

July 31, 2002

PLA call for award nominations

The Public Library Association (PLA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), announces a call for award nominations for the year 2002-2003. Each year PLA and various sponsors support an award program recognizing excellence in a variety of public library services. Following is a brief description of each award. Application and nomination forms can be found at PLA
website, or call 1-800-545-2433, ext. 5PLA. PLA's Advancement of Literacy Award. Sponsored by
Library Journal, the award is given to a publisher, bookseller, software dealer, foundation or similar group that has made a significant contribution toward the advancement of adult literacy.

Allie Beth Martin Award. This award recognizes a public librarian for demonstrating a range and depth of knowledge about books and other library materials, and the distinguished ability to share that knowledge. The award consists of $3,000 donated by sponsor Baker & Taylor.

Baker & Taylor Entertainment Audio Music/Video Product Award Grant. This grant offers the selected library $2,500 in audio music and video products for its circulating collections ordered through sponsor Baker & Taylor.

Charlie Robinson Award. This award recognizes a public library director for implementation of an innovative change. The award consists of $1,000 and a gift to the librarian from sponsor Baker & Taylor.

Demco Creative Merchandising Grant. This grant, sponsored by Demco, Inc., provides $1,000 cash and $2,000 worth of supplies to a public library proposing a project for the creative display and merchandising of materials either in the library or in the community.

EBSCO Excellence in Small and/or Rural Public Library Service Award. EBSCO Subscription Services donates $1,000 to honor a public library serving a population of 10,000 or fewer that demonstrates excellence in service to its community as exemplified by an overall service program or a special program of significant accomplishment.

The Highsmith Library Innovation Award. This award recognizes a public library's innovative achievement in planning and implementing a program or service that is a benefit to the overall community. A plaque and a $2,000 honorarium are provided by Highsmith, Inc., the award's sponsor.

New Leaders Travel Grant. The travel grant, shared between the recipients, is donated by GEAC Inc. to support the professional development and improve the expertise of public librarians new to the field by making possible their attendance at major professional development activities.