New PLA products aid recruitment efforts

Contact: Kathleen Hughes


For Immediate Release

May 2002

New PLA products aid recruitment efforts

The Public Library Association (PLA) has developed a number of products to aid in the ongoing effort to recruit public librarians into the profession. The association has developed a comprehensive recruitment Web site ( that contains testimonials from real-life librarians on why they chose public librarianship; educational requirements; scholarships information and links; salary data and other resources; and an informative look at the public library world entitled "public library fast facts."

In addition to the Web site, colorful "Ask me why I love my job" buttons are available for $.25 each and brochures entitled "Public Librarianship: Imagine the Possibilities" are available for free. The order form for the buttons and brochures is available at or call PLA at 800-545-2433, ext. 5PLA to place a telephone order.

PLA also will present a program at the upcoming American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference that will address the shortage of public librarians and detail current recruitment efforts. "Where Have All the Librarians Gone - Strategies for Recruiting and Retaining Them" will be held on Sunday, June 16, 1:30 - 3:30 p.m.

For more information visit the
PLA Web page. PLA is a division of the ALA.