LAMA seeks Library Consultant Directory entries

Contact: Arawa McClendon


For Immediate Release

April 2002

LAMA seeks Library Consultant Directory entries

The Library Administration and Management Association (LAMA) is seeking entries for the 2002 edition of its Library Consultants Directory, a special insert to be published in the Fall 2002 issue of LAMA's
Library Administration & Management (LA&M) magazine.
Listing information and payment must be received by July 12 for inclusion in the September 2002 directory.

The directory-an annual feature in
LA&M-offers convenient access to contact information and areas of specialization for consultants whose work focuses on the special needs of libraries. Past directories have featured consultants with expertise in such areas as strategic planning, buildings, staff development, customer service, public relations, fundraising, diversity training and board development.

LA&M's circulation of 5,700 readers-a majority of whom are upper-level decision makers within their institutions-the
Library Consultants Directory is an excellent medium for consultants to connect with library administrators. The directory offers two listing options, a basic listing ($30), which includes contact information and areas of expertise, and an expanded listing, which includes a reproduction of the consultant's business card ($80).

Please note that inclusion in the
Library Consultants Directory does not constitute endorsement or certification by LAMA or the American Library Association (ALA).

Interested consultants should send their name, company name, address, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, Web address, and a list of areas of expertise along with payment (payable to the American Library Association) to Library Consultants Directory, LAMA/ALA, 50 E Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. Listing information can also be faxed (312-280-5033) or e-mailed ( For more information contact Arawa McClendon at 800-545-2433 x5035 or

LAMA is a division of the American Library Association.