Gale Group/BRASS Business Librarianship Award recipient named
Contact: Eileen Hardy
For Immediate Release
March 2002
Gale Group/BRASS Business Librarianship Award recipient named
Irwin D. Faye, assistant manager of the Business Information Center at the Chicago Public Library, is the recipient of the 2002 Gale Group Award for Excellence in Business Librarianship administered by the Business Reference and Services Section (BRASS) of the Reference and User Services Association (RUSA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA).
The award, a citation and $3,000 donated by The Gale Group, is given to an individual for distinguished activities in the field of business librarianship.
"Faye is recognized as an excellent business librarian and as a tireless advocate of professional business support in the public library," stated Carol Z. Womack, award committee chair. "An innovator who was one of the librarians responsible for the creation of Chicago Public Library's Electronic Resource Center, he also has explored new ideas like a career center, business-focused outreach and programming and collaboration with the nearby city college's small business advisory services. Irwin's greatest contribution to the profession has been his work with novice business librarians, both at Chicago Public Library and in BRASS. He is a mentor and an inspiration."
The award will be presented at the RUSA Awards Ceremony on June 17, 2002, from 4 to 6 p.m., during the ALA Annual Conference in Atlanta.