Competition open for 2003 Library Buildings Award program
Contact: Arawa McClendon
For Immediate Release
October 2002
Competition open for 2003 Library Buildings Award program
Competition is now open for the 2003 American Institute of Architects (AIA)/American Library Association (ALA) Library Buildings Award sponsored by AIA and the Library Administration and Management Association (LAMA) Buildings and Equipment Section.
The award is presented every two years to encourage excellence in the architectural design and planning of libraries. Projects accomplished by architects practicing professionally in the United States may be considered, whether the library is in the United States or abroad.
All entries shall be library-building projects, completed, occupied and in service prior to entry in this program and must not have been completed before December 1, 1994. Awards may be given for new buildings; additions; renovations; restorations; conversion to library use; and interior redesign and refurnishing.
Entry forms from architects, or submitted by librarians with the consent of architects, must be postmarked no later than December 13, 2002. Submissions must be postmarked no later than January 10, 2003.
Awards will be presented at the ALA Annual Conference in Toronto, June 19 -25.
The brochure and application form are available at; or contact Arawa K. McClendon, Communications Officer, LAMA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; e-mail; fax: 312-280-5033; phone: 1-800-545-2433, x5035.
LAMA is a division of ALA.