ALA seeking proposals for the Carnegie-Whitney Awards

Contact: Malinda Little


For Immediate Release

October 2002

ALA seeking proposals for the Carnegie-Whitney Awards

The American Library Association (ALA) Publishing Committee is accepting proposals for the annual Carnegie-Whitney Awards, which provide several grants of up to $5,000 each for the preparation of reading lists, indexes and other guides to library resources that will assist users of all types of libraries.

Funded projects have ranged from popular, general-reader proposals such as "ReadMOre," a reading list for Missouri's state-wide reading program, to more specialized, scholarly proposals, such as "Librarianship and Information Science in the Islamic World 1966-1999: an Annotated Bibliography."

The grants are provided to cover the costs of research and compilation and are open to individuals, official units of ALA and groups affiliated with ALA.

Guidelines may be obtained at the ALA Web site, through the ALA Fax on Demand service at 1-800-545-2433 by pressing 4 and choosing number 481, or by writing to the Grant Administrator, ALA Publishing Services, American Library Association, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611.

The application deadline is November 11, 2002, any applications received after that date will be considered in the next cycle.

The ALA is the oldest and largest library association in the world with more than 65,000 members in academic, public, school, government and special libraries. Its mission includes promoting the highest quality library and information services and protecting public access to information.