ACRL launches Information Literacy Web site with Expert Locater
Contact: ACRL Consultants for Information Literacy
For Immediate Release
June 2002
ACRL launches Information Literacy Web site with Expert Locater
The Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) has launched its new Information Literacy Web site. Available at
ACRL website, the site is a gateway to resources on information literacy, as well as a gathering place for some of the most important initiatives in this area, including ACRL's Institute for Information Literacy, which includes its Immersion, Best Practices and Community Partnerships programs, as well as
Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education. Links to bibliographies, examples of information literacy in action, a Standards Toolkit, and much more are provided.
In addition to learning about the basics of information literacy and finding the latest news on the information literacy front, visitors to the site can read about programs implemented at other institutions in the "Examples in IL" section, where practicing librarians and teachers are asked to share their work.
Another valuable resource available through ACRL's Information Literacy Web site is the Expert Locator, designed to ease the burden of planning a panel, funding a workshop, or looking for a consultant. The Expert Locater is a speaker's list, which includes names of librarians and teaching faculty who have special expertise in the area of information literacy and have made themselves available to share this with others. Listings are available by name, state and area of expertise. Current topic areas are Learning Outcomes, Assessment and Competency Standards; Community Partnerships; and Faculty / Librarian Collaborations. Other areas will be added as the locator grows.
The Expert Locater is interactive, with one click connecting visitors to a page on which they can sign up as an expert, while another lets them nominate someone else. This method will keep the list updated and dynamic as needs for speakers and information literacy expertise grow and change.
The Information Literacy Web site provides a valuable gateway to information literacy resources for new and experienced librarians, teaching faculty and administrators.
ACRL, a division of the American Library Association, is the only individual membership organization in North America that develops programs, products, and services to meet the unique needs of academic librarians. ACRL is dedicated to enhancing the ability of academic library and information professionals to serve the information needs of the higher education community and to improve learning, teaching and research.